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'I try to live my life without regrets
And I try pretty hard to just forget
because it doesn't help to think about all my young strife
I know that I'm great today because of that hell
but I think I could have been a happy kid as well
And still made something positive out of my life' - The Doubleclicks


10 years ago
Isabella - 12 years old

Isabella's P.O.V

I sobbed as I sat on my bed. All they did is fight. There's not a moment of happiness in this house. Suddenly hearing a thud my ears perked up and my heart started beating fast. I unlocked my door and ran.

I found my mother lying on the ground. She had bruises on her wrists and one on her neck.

"Mom!" I said kneeling down to help her up. I sat her in my room and brought her some water.

That night, my mom I cried ourselves to sleep.


7 years ago
Isabella - 15 years old

Isabella's P.O.V

No no no no no! This can't be happening. Our family is falling apart. I had just found out that my parents were divorcing. They couldn't live together anymore. They couldn't stand each other anymore.

What angered me is that all they thought about was how they felt and what was happening to them. They didn't think about me. What would happen to me? Did they know how much fun I'd be made off at school? Did they know how this was gonna effect me? They didn't even ask if I wanted them to divorce. I don't just want one parent. I want both. But who would listen to a naive teenage girl like me?

"Come on Isabella say goodbye to your father" I heard my mom's soft voice speak from the doorway. I sniffled and nodded.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as I walked downstairs to the entrance of our house from upstairs. I didn't want this to happen. I wanted our family to be okay already. I wanted all this to just be a horrible nightmare! I wanted his to end!

"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you soon" my dad whispered kissing my head. I remained motionless. Closing my eyes to hold back the tears I sighed.

I couldn't cry. Now I have to be strong for my mom.


4 years ago
Isabella - 18 years old

Isabella's P.O.V

"Table number 11" I heard and went to get the tray of food and served it to the table. I checked the time. Nearly time for my shift to be over. I sighed going to the kitchen of the restaurant I now worked at. I put away my apron and sling my bag over my shoulder before heading out the back door.

On the divorce papers it said that my father would have to keep paying my mother for about 2 years. That ended last year. Since then I've been working at a nice restaurant. It's called Vera's. I get a pretty good salary. Enough for me and my mom. But I definitely need more now that I'm getting into university. Yes I graduated early from college. So nowadays i also sing on the streets. It's nice to be able to sing my heart out even though no ones really listening most of the time.

Atleast I can do what I really love.


3 years ago
Isabella - 19 years old

Isabella's P.O.V

"And you just have to sign here" 

I sighed happily and sighed on the documents.

"Congratulations, you're officially signed to Island def Jam Records. Welcome Isabella." I heard my new manager say.. Scooter.

"Hey Isabella right?" I heard a raspy Male voice

"Yes." I smiled

"Hi. I'm Justin"


2 years ago
Isabella - 20 years old

"I like you a lot. I've fallen for you. Will you be my girlfriend, Isabella?"

"Yes Justin. Of course I will..!" I gasped hugging him

"I promise I won't ever let you down. I promise to never leave you. I promise. I'll be here with you..." he rasped hugging me back

"I'll be with you forever"


•<~ To Be Continued ~>•

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