Birthday Bash

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Madeline's 6th birthday was coming up soon, and she'd only asked for one thing.

She wanted her friends and family to be at the party. All of them.

Obviously, this idea presented a problem to Bruce Wayne, who didn't want Madeline to keep contact with any of the infamous Rogue's Gallery.

But she'd been very insistent. She didn't care if she didn't receive any presents at all as long as all of her distant "relatives" could be there. At the moment, most of them were in Arkham, with the exception of Catwoman. So it was feasible that they could hold a little gathering in the mental institution and Bruce could look the other way if Selina Kyle showed up.

He just worried about the inmates staging a breakout when she was there. Certainly such an incident would be detrimental to her mental health.

All Andy and Tommy wanted was what would make Maddie happy and keep her safe, so they supported whatever decision Bruce made. They'd long found out his identity as the caped crusader and knew that he had her best interest at heart.

So when Bruce told them his idea, they agreed it was the least worst option in terms of making Maddie's dream come true.

The corruption of Arkham made it relatively easy for them to organize their event and make preparations. Bruce had ordered tons of decorations in hopes that he could brighten up the dreary atmosphere of the mental hospital.

Everything was set to go, except apparently Joker didn't get the memo.

A week before the party, he started a riot and escaped, along with some more of the Rogues like Ivy and Riddler. Bruce had his hands full trying to get everyone back, but he couldn't find the people necessary for the party anywhere.

Little did he know, the little crime family broke out on purpose just so they could make their girl's birthday special.

Selina and Ivy snuck into Wayne Manor in the middle of the night, stealing Maddie from her bed while she dreamed. When Andy and Tommy went in to check on her the next morning, they discovered she was gone.

At that point, Bruce realized what must have happened, and with a sigh, he cancelled all that he had to that day so he could go out looking for the criminals that held her. His search was fruitless, however, until he caught on to the trail of robberies of children's clothing stores and toy stores about Gotham. The party stores were next to get hit, but each location was targeted by a different criminal, so it was impossible to track any of them down. This is getting me nowhere.

Meanwhile, Maddie woke up that morning in her old room. Her gaze started about the room in surprise as she took in her new old surroundings. She recognized that she must be back in Joker's mansion, a realization she wasn't sure how to process.

Soon after, the door handle turned, and in walked Selina and Ivy. Maddie beamed up at the women and ran at them to hug them tightly.

"Auntie Selina! Aunt Ivy!" She squealed. "I missed you guys so much! Why didn't you come to visit?"

"We're sorry, kitten. We've been busy," Selina sighed.

"But we missed you, too, little sprout," Ivy added.

"And we wouldn't miss your birthday," Selina smiled.

"Definitely not," Ivy agreed. "And we've got a surprise for you. Go look in your closet."

Maddie did as they said and found a plethora of new dresses and outfits, the tastes of the two women evident in some of them. She had new leather clothes as well as flowery dresses. The girl grinned at her aunties and gave them another hug.

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