1: UA Highschool

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Third person POV

-Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-

You turn to your clock and effortlessly smash the off button with your hand without opening your eyes. It's like you were used to doing this. You then groan and slowly open your eyes to look at the time.

Oh! Today is my first day at UA! I better get going. You thought to yourself as you sprung up and rubbed your eyes as you pulled your bed sheets off from you.

After quickly getting your uniform on and fixing yourself up in the bathroom, you made your way downstairs to eat breakfast. Tatsumi was already there eating with dad.

"Geez what took you so long? I was already considering to eat your food." Tatsumi said as he grinned at you then your bowl.

"No way! Keep your greedy ness away from it!" You said as you dashed to the table and wrapped your arms around your warm bowl.

"You both should hurry up. Showing up late on the first day of school gives a bad first impression." Dad said while looking up from the newspaper article. He was sitting across from me and Tatsumi.

"My school starts before (Y/N)'s, so I'll get going." Tatsumi said as he got up and brought his empty bowl to the sink and walked over to the door where he had left his backpack on the floor.

"See ya!" Me and my dad said at the same time as he walked out the door. I guess I should be doing the same.

"I'll be going too. Bye dad!" I said as I basically threw my half empty dish on the sink and ran out the door with one book bag strap on.


"This school is bigger in person than online!" I said to myself as I slowly looked at the building from bottom to top. This wasn't just my first day, but the first day of school for everyone else. However, since most of the third years were here last year, I'm a new face and I'm certain everyone will notice.

I walked through several flights of stairs to find my class. Since the previous hero school I was going to for first and second years was a very good school, I managed to get in in a good class for UA. I stood infront of the doorway to the class preparing to enter. I twisted the door knob and pushed open the door. The class was pretty lively, as most were already clumped up in groups talking to each other. I close the door behind me and sit on the row closest to the door and 2 tables down. No one else was sitting near the row so you sat down and pulled out your phone and started texting your brother to see how he was doing. You weren't the type to walk up to someone and start a conversation. But you were super friendly and sympathetic to others. Being an outrovert was just too much for you so you were a little shy.

"Hey there! Are you new?" A stern, yet friendly voice surprised you. You quickly turned your phone off and looked up to see a tall blond guy with cartoon-ish looking eyes.

"Whoops! Sorry, didn't mean to startle you!" He said as he scratched the back of his neck. 

"O-Oh no it's fine. I just didn't expect anyone to say hi to me." You said smiling. You then took notice of the 2 others next to him. There was a shorter girl with long blue hair and a friendly smile to the blonde's left and to his right was another guy. He had dark blue hair and seemed to be very nervous as he kept his head low, hands in his pockets, and eyes on the floor.

"I'm Tōgata Mirio, but you can call me Mirio! To my right is Hadō Nejire, and this chicken here is Amajiki Tamaki!" He said as he patted both on the shoulders. They all looked like nice people so far and since you now knew who they were, it would be rude to not introduce yourself .

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N)! Nice to meet you three!" I cheerfully said as I got up and held out my hand for them to shake.

"(L/N) as in surgeon (L/N)? That's awesome! He's quirkless yet one of the best surgeons in Japan! I'm so honored to meet his daughter!" Nejire said fangirling as she shook my hand.

"Wanna sit by our tables, (L/N)?" Mirio asked while pointing to some desks near the front of the room.

"Yeah sure. Give me just a minute" You softly said as you started putting your stuff together. The 3 students walked back to their desk and sat down. There was something odd though. You didn't hear the dark haired boy say anything! You don't even know what he sounds like. 'Eh whatever. I'll be sitting near him anyways so I will hear him talk at some point. Wait, why should I care that much?' You thought to yourself as you checked if you got a text back from your brother. He hadn't responded so you just shrugged it off assuming he was already having a good time in school.

As soon as you started walking over to the tables where those 3 students were sitting, the bell rang, signaling the start of class hours. You sat down on Nejire's right who had Mirio infront of her and Amajiki infront of you. The teacher walked in and Everyone got silent. 'Today will be an interesting day.' You thought as you relaxed on your chair.

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