Chapter 6

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Chapter Six



Rain drops slide down the car window as Tobias drives us home. Thunder rattles the car, and in the distance, lighting lights up the grey sky. Feelings from the funeral still hold my emotions in its grasp. My heart feels shattered into millions of pieces. I look out the window and see trees along the side of the road, swaying in the stormy wind.

I have no idea where we are heading. All I know that it is a new home. Our new home. Where Tobias and I can live for the rest of our lives.....

Today was the first day I have been back in the city. I have been in the Bureau hospital for the last two weeks. Being back here is like a breath of fresh air. But it is also like a heavy burden; all the lives that were lost here, all the battles that haunt me. But that is a different story.

Tobias has one hand on the wheel, and his gaze on the road in front of him. I grab ahold of his free hand, and lean over to him in my seat.

"Where did you go when you told me you'd be back in a few minutes?" I ask curiously.

He sighs, then squeezes my hand gently. "My mother came to see me today." He says quietly.


"Well, what did she want? Haven't you been talking with her a lot lately?" I ask.

He lets go of my hand and itches his head. "She told me that people have elected a council to represent them and build a new government for the city. They met early this morning and talked about the details of the group. They came up with the name 'the Convergent' meaning coming closer together, especially in characteristics or ideas. They want to rebuild the city, and create a stable government where everyone can live freely and vote." Tobias sighs again.

"The Convergent wanted a strong leader. Each of the representatives were given the task to chose someone to lead the group. Lead the project of rebuilding and lead the new government. And they chose me."

I look at Tobias with wide eyes.

"Tobias! This is a great opportunity for you. You have always been a great leader! Dauntless wanted you twice!" I say.

"That's because they wanted a pawn, not because they thought I was a good leader. The Erudite wanted someone to manipulate, and Max thought it would be me." He shoots back.

"You may be right about the pawn, but look who led a group illegally outside the fence. Look at who lead a group of dumb initiates, and kept all, well most, from killing each other!" I reply. "You are better than you think you are, Tobias. They chose you! Of all people, Tobias. Listen to me. Of all people, they chose you."

My words seem to echo in his brain. He stares out the windshield, and turns the car down a narrow street.

"They may have chose me, but I'm not ready for it. It's not what I want. What I actually want, Tris, is you. I want you and I to be together. No distractions, whatsoever. And I want to have kids with you. And grow old with you. That's all I want, and ever wanted."

He stops the car, and looks at me. He takes my hands from my lap, and brings them to his lips, kissing them gently.

"I love you, Tris. And I just don't want to be away from you right now."

I am speechless. I look at him. Something inside me wants him. Is needing him. I feel as if the seven inches we are apart is too far. I need to be pasted against his body. I need him. I want him. But that is just a fantasy.

He turns back to the wheel, and drives for another minute in silence. He pulls up a newly paved road and a glass building appears in front of us.

"We're here," he says in his deep voice. I step out of the car and close the door. He opens the glass door for me, and I step into the vacant lobby. He leads me to the elevator and presses the top number: 24.

The elevator ride is silent. We do not speak at all. The door finally chimes, breaking the long lasting silence and opens, revealing a beautiful front living room. White sofas surround what I think is called a TV, and a fireplace burning beneath it. The perimeter is made of complete glass, ceiling to floor, revealing the breathtaking dark skyline of Chicago, our city.

This is beautiful. He got this penthouse, for us. For us.

I set my bags on the light wooden floor and turn towards Tobias as he closes the door. He looks at me as I look at him.

Suddenly, I run forward and throw myself into his embrace. His arms wrap around me as his lips crash against mine. Part of me is scared to do this again, but the other half is wanting this. I do want this. I do.

His arms travel down my sides and start to pull my shirt up. I help him shimmy it over my head. My fingers grab onto the neck of his shirt, ripping it over his head, exposing his golden tan skin. My hands run over his chest as he works my pants away.

He continues to kiss me as he leads me to the nearest bedroom. Behind us, the clock chimes seven times.

Tobias lays me on the bed, and runs his finger over my bandages. I gasp suddenly, scaring him.

"I can stop, Tris. If you want." He says, trying to comfort me.

"No," I reply. "I want this."

He smiles and leans back in, this time kissing around my bandaged wounds.

I am his. And he is mine.

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