Meet the Residence

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~Started and Completed (11-9-18 or November 9th, 2018 // 11-10-18 or November 10th, 2018)~

The tunnel is long and branches off many times, leading those who do not know the way to many dead ends or pitfalls, but they know the way as if it were their own. That is why Lamb motions with a hand for Wolf to slow to a stop at a break of normality.

Wolf makes a gurgling sound, confused at why they were stopping but waits for the shorter to do as she pleases.

Lamb reaches forward toward the iridescent rip in the veil that parts the pathway in half at chest height with a flowing golden light, fingers pulling at the message hidden inside. Wolf could not see this message, could not hear the crescendo of chimes and bells that pittered off as he retracted his hand and it closes.

""Your Mark is on that of a man named Ra's al Ghul, but The Une has warded against the lamb's tracking and the wolf's nose.

By the names Tim and Jason, to find him they must seek the help of those who hide their faces in the dark and protect those in the city of Gotham's night.

It is a family of few who have claimed the outer caverns of your cave as their own...unknowing of the hunters that lie deep within.

To find these souls, simply break the walls.""

Warm arms wrap around her, a burning breath on her ear. "What is the message, little Lamb?"

Lamb tilts her body back further, cradled by his large arms as she regales the words the ancients told. She is only but finishing when Wolf snarls deeply, not happy with their territory being encroached on.

Lamb tilts her head back and rests a hand on his cheek, pushing at his cheeks that are pulled back to bare his teeth. "Hush, dear Wolf, it is not unlikely for how long we have been sleeping. Please calm yourself."

Wolf looks down, eyes softening. "Of course, love."

Lamb smiles, pulling away from the comforting heat and down the left turn, looking back at her dear Wolf with a playful glint in her eyes and the promise of a game. "Come one, my dear. Let us hurry."

Wolf howls, streaking after her with the zealous glee of a chase. But she was already peeling away at top speed, long from his sight in a trail of snow-dust. Despite that, she can feel the warm breath on her back, hear the cushioned footfall that only come more near.

She will never be as fast as her dear Wolf.

She laughs brightly, taking the last turn where she expects to continue out after a few paces, but instead, she squeaks. Her feet plant on the ground, flipping her body sharply over in a tight ball to land her nose centimeters from a smooth wall.

Her voice comes out panicked, "Wolf, slow!"

The warning comes not a second too soon. Wolf yelps, managing to stop up against her back with only a slight jostle. His eyes are blown wide, bare chest heaving against her bare back. "What is this?" he growls, nostril flaring.

Lamb stares up, cranking her head back to the ceiling meters above them. "I believe this would be our wall we must break."

Wolf snorts, pulling her to the side. The pull their arms back in sync, since she may not be as strong as Wolf, but she is still plenty strong enough to crack the cement.

It takes nearly ten strikes from the two of them for the wall to blow through, crumbling down wide enough for the two of them to walk in side by side.

She is confused at the siren wailing and flashing red in the curve of the wall only for a second as Wolf snorts in agitation, covering his ears. "What is that screeching!"

Lamb grabs his arm and begins steering him toward the true cave exit. "Remember the people using this cave?" Wolf hums, and she could imagine his ears flicking down. "I do think this might be theirs."

"They are annoying."

Lamb laughs. "I am well aware, dear, but let's try and be civil, shall we?"

Wolf grumbles, "I do know when to rein in, little Lamb."

Lamb smiles, nuzzling his arm. "I know, my dear Wolf, but a reminder now will go further than a reminder later." The sound of heavy boots echoes along the tunnel, sounding of three males and a female.

Wolf tilts his head at the same time she pinpoints the noise, showing that he has a pin on them. She pulls them to a stop, sliding the two of them close to wait for their guests/hosts.

The sound almost becomes unbearably loud before the four of them round the corner. Wolf snorts into his palm, but Lamb can hardly find it in herself to be amused. She's mostly just sad for these poor, poor mortals who all go out dressed up in so much Kevlar.

The first is the oldest and the tallest. He is a late forty-something-year-old pale man dressed head-to-toe in dark black with a long, dramatic cape flaring out behind him, and a bright yellow bat shape on his chest. His mask doesn't cover his mouth and chin and ends in two sharp points atop the head. But that does little to deter Lamb from deducing he is Bruce Wayne.

The second is on the leaner side. A young man in his late twenties and dressed in a skintight black suit with a blue V on his chest leading over his shoulders to his fingers. He has a warmer skin tone than the others, but still pale, and with black hair. He is Richard Grayson but prefers to be called Dick for some odd reason.

The third boy is extremely young, only eleven, with darker bronze skin and dark black hair. He is wearing an assortment of colors: a bright red tunic, green knee-high boots over green tights, green gloves, and a black cape to his knees that is golden on the inside. This is Damian Wayne.

The last guest is an eighteen-year-old girl with a mane of blonde hair that is mostly black with eggplant purple stripes up her sides and a yellow bat on her chest as well. She also has a yellow belt, much like Bruce, and her name is Stephanie Brown.

This all takes Lamb seconds to decipher...which is enough time for the four of them to skid to a dramatic halt, and for Stephanie and Dick to shriek in scary harmony.

Lamb holds up placating hands, but Wolf beats him to the introduction. "I am Wolf," he says, stepping forward slightly with a smirk on his lips. "And she is Lamb–"

Lamb streaks faster than the mortal eyes could see to jab Wolf under the ribs. She leaves him to grunt lowly in pain, saying instead, "I'm sorry for him, he meant to say he is Jason, and I am Tim. A pleasure to meet you all, but I'm afraid we seem to have a bit of a problem on our hands."

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