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Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries. If I did then they would've ended the way they did. I'm only saying this once. On with the story...



"Why must I leave?"

"It's for your safety, figlia"(daughter)

"Se è per sicurezza, perché non venire con me?" I look at him curious.(If it's for safety then why not come with me?)

"Because I am needed here. You'll be fine on your own. It's not like you're going to be alone. I'm sending you to Charles."

"Of all places you are sending me to, and Forks, Washington it is! Is Aunt Bekah coming with me?"

"No, you are going there alone. Charles should be waiting for you at the airport. Try to keep quiet about me. Charles will be acting like your dad."

"Sai se e quando verrai a prenderti, ti odierò. Pensi che lo zio Lija sia l'unico a cacciarti, ma lo aiuterò volentieri." I walk out of the room.(You know if and when you come get me I am going to hate you. You think Uncle Lijah is the only one hunting you down, but I will gladly help him.)

"See what you've done now Nik," I hear my Aunt Bekah say.

"She won't help him if he asked. She may say that."

"I really think you underestimate her, Nik." Bekah walks into the kitchen with me.

"Si Elijah me contacte, je l'aiderai. Je peux le contacter moi-même. Qu'est-ce que mon fichu père planifie, Bekah?"(If Elijah contacts me I will help him. I may contact him myself. What is my damn father planning, Bekah?)

"Pourquoi est-ce que je n'arrête pas de t'oublier de connaître cette langue? Ton père n'a jamais eu la patience pour la langue ou les gens."(Why is it I keep forgetting you know this language?Your father has never had the patience for the language or the people.)

"Answer my question." I demand.

"Votre père a trouvé un moyen de briser la malédiction. Il ne sait pas de quoi il a besoin et s'il aura plus d'ennemis. Il veut que tu sois en sécurité avant de partir à sa recherche." She looks at me.(Your father has found a way to break the curse. He's not sure what he needs and if he'll get more enemies along the way. He wants you safe before he goes looking for her.)

"Padre! Dobbiamo parlare. ADESSO!" I yell walking away from my Aunt.(Father! We need to talk. NOW!)

"Don't say anything. He didn't want you knowing about it." Bekah whispers under her breath.

"Too late," I say running up to my father's room.

Not bothering to knock I slam the bedroom door open. I see him standing there packing. I get my attitude from him one hundred percent. Add the attitude of one who is a vampire and werewolf on top of the attitude of a witch and fae you get a very bad combination of pure evil.

"Quindi hai pensato di farla franca. Senza di me scoprire? Bel padre, prova, ma vengo con te."(So you thought you could get away with this. Without me finding out? Nice try father, but I'm coming with you.)

He turns and looks at me. "Who told you?"

"Did you really think you'd get away with me not finding out? I'm not stupid father. I will be coming with you!"

"Isabella è dannatamente pericoloso per te venire con me. Non farò l'incantesimo finché non saprò che è sicuro per te. Entrambi abbiamo bisogno di questa dannata maledizione spezzata. Ti amo figlia, ma non voglio rischiare che tu venga ucciso." He grabs my hand.(Isabella it's too damn dangerous for you to come with me. I won't be doing the spell until I know it's safe for you. We both need this damn curse broken. I love you daughter but I won't risk you being killed.)

"So you think your enemies won't come looking for me? What about the full moon? What am I to do about that?"

"My enemies will always be looking for you, but they can not find you because of your shield. Now Charles knows what to do and he'll help you with that. Once I know it's safe I'll come for you."

"Padre, mi mancherai, non sono sicuro che sarò in grado di farlo senza di te, promettimi che chiamerai almeno una volta al giorno e sii sicuro per favore, ho perso mamma e io davvero non voglio perdere anche te." I look at him with tears in my eyes.(Father, I'm going to miss you. I'm not sure I'll be able to do this without you. Promise me you'll call at least once a day. And be safe please. I lost mom and I really don't want to lose you as well.)


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