Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I was done. I didn't want to be here anymore. He left and I was stupid enough to let him break my heart. I should've kept to myself. Charlie told me to keep my distance and I didn't want to listen. Now, I'm acting like I'm fucking dead. The full moon is tonight and I'm waiting for my father to call me.

"Bella, I've gotta run to the station real quick. I'll try to be back before nightfall. Stay inside and if I'm not back you know what to do. Love ya kiddo." Charlie says.

I groan because I hate chaining myself up and turning into a freak of fucking nature. My ringing phone brings me out of my musings.

"Hello?" I didn't look at the caller ID before answering.

"The full moon is tonight. How are you handling it?"

"How do you think I'm handling it, father?" I spat out.

"I see being with Charles hasn't helped your mood swings any has it, la mia amata figlia."(my lovely daughter.)

"No, it most certainly hasn't. Can I come home yet? Everything in this town stinks. I can't be here anymore. It's getting hard to do knowing I'll never see him again."

"Why must you be hung up on that silly nobody? Your Uncle and I will be there at the end of the week to get you. Can you hold out until then?"

"Zio Kol o zio Elia?" I ask getting giddy.(Uncle Kol or Uncle Elijah?)

"Kol. Elijah is a little busy at the moment with the doppleganger."

"Katherine è viva? Pensavo che non potessi usarla."(Katherine is alive? I thought you couldn't use her.)

"Katherine is a vampire, but I can use her. The doppleganger is her great granddaughter."

"When did you undagger Kol?"

"A few weeks ago. He's been asking for you. Is Charles home?"

"No, he had to go to the station. Something is happening in the woods around here. Missing hikers and bears as huge as a house."

"He left you home alone on the night of a full moon! Why in the hell would he do that?"

"Father, I can handle myself. He has to protect this town and by doing that he works more than most people."

"Well, we will see you at the end of the week. I've got to deal with a few things before heading that way. Sii al sicuro stasera caro. Ti voglio bene Isabella."(Be safe tonight dear. I love you Isabella.)

"Farà il padre. Dai il mio amore alla famiglia e ti amo più papà."(Will do father. Give my love to the family and I love you more daddy.)

We hang up and I look around. I was glad to be out of here soon. I have a few hours before nightfall so I turn on the radio. Queens Don't by RaeLynn was on and I smile. Turning it up I start singing in Italian.

"Non sono cresciuto in un castello
Sono cresciuto alla periferia della città
Nessun vestito con nappe d'oro
Gli anelli sulla mia mano sono tramandati
Ma troverò quello che ha bisogno di me, mi vede..."(lyrics to Queens Don't)

"Wow, I knew you could sing and I knew you could speak perfect Italian. I didn't know you could turn a country song into something I could actually listen to."

"Charlie!" I jump at his voice.

"Let's eat before we do this. I made a potion to help with the pain."

"Dad called earlier and said he and Kol would be here at the end of the week. I'll be going back with them."

"I am as well. Your father wants me to be close. I have already turned in my notice. I'm training a new Chief."

"Wow, well then I guess we both need to start packing. I'm actually excited to go home and be with family." I blurt out. "I'm so sorry Charlie."

"It's fine I know what you mean. You know I lost my daughter when she was really young and I miss her everyday. You actually remind me of her. We may not be blood but I do think of you as a niece."

"Thanks Charlie. Now let's eat. The moon is rising in an hour and I need to eat before doing this painful shit. I really hope this will be the last time I have to change on a full moon."

"So Kol is coming with your father?"

"Yeah. It was quite a shock to learn that my father undaggered him," I say.

Translations are done by Google translate.

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