Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Today's the day my father and Kol will be here and I couldn't be any happier. Charlie is packed and has the house sold. The new owners are coming today and moving it. It worked out perfectly since they'd be after we left.

"I think they're here," Charlie calls up to me.

I run down the stairs and look out the window. I watch as Kol gets out and I scream. I see Kol throw his head back in laughter and I run to the door. I yank it open and run out to my favorite Uncle.

"Isabella, è così bello vederti! Ero molto arrabbiato quando ho scoperto che non eri con tuo padre. Charlie how are you doing?"(Isabella, it's so good to see you! I was very upset when I found out you weren't with your father.)

"Zio Kol, sono così felice che tu sia qui! Non sono molto contento del padre per il fatto che mi ha mandato via. Volevo andare con lui. Perché ti ha esagerato dopo tutto questo tempo?" I ask.(Uncle Kol I'm so happy you're here! I'm not real happy with father because of the fact that he sent me away. I wanted to go with him. Why did he undagger you after all this time?)

"Sai, caro, è maleducato parlare così quando sono qui, se vuoi ricevere qualche risposta, chiedigli di andare via, Kol andrà a prendere le sue borse così possiamo tornare indietro, Finn dovrebbe essere lì presto con Sage. Charlie are you ready to go?" My father asks.(You know dear it's rude to talk like that when I'm standing right here. If you'd like any answers then ask away. Kol go get her bags so we can get back. Finn should be there soon with Sage.)

I look at my father then at Kol. I shake my head because it couldn't be possible. My father has been trying to rid himself of Safe, but now she's meeting with us. My father has undaggered Finn after all this time. It means everyone is finally together after all this time. I help Charlie with his bags and Kol tells him he can have the front. I shake my head because of course he was going to want to sit in the back and talk. He was my fun Uncle but if he knows exactly what happened between me and him then there's a chance he'll be daggered again. He shuts the trunk and opens the door for me. I get in behind my father and he reaches back squeezing my hand.

"Mia adorata figlia, sono così felice che tu stia finalmente tornando a casa. Bekah sarà estremamente felice. Ora siamo vicini alla rottura della maledizione, quindi dovrò chiederti di restare dentro la casa. Non voglio che tu ti faccia male a causa mia." He looks at me. (My beloved daughter, I am so happy that you are finally returning home. Bekah will be extremely happy. Now we're close to breaking the curse, so I'll have to ask you to stay inside the house. I don't want you to hurt yourself because of me.)

"Father, I wouldn't betray you. Is the entire family together now?"

"Yes, the family is together. Everyone will want to see you. Elijah especially wants to see you," he tells me.

I nod and smile because I couldn't wait to get home. I know it's a new town for me, but where my family is then it's home. I sit back and close my eyes wishing this trip would go by faster.


It took two days to get here and I'm finally home. We pull up to a huge house and Kol chuckles when he sees my face. He smiles and opens the door helping me out. He opens Charlies door and Charlie looks at me.

"Kiddo, this place is huge," Charlie says laughing.

"I hear you Charlie. Father isn't know for small," I tell him looking at my father.

"Isa! Oh my God you're home!" Bekah comes running out of the house.

"Aunt Bekah! I've missed you!"

"Rebecca sono Finn, Elia e Saggio qui? Bella non ha ancora avuto la possibilità di incontrarla." He looks at her.(Rebekah are Finn, Elijah, and Sage here? Bella hasn't had the chance to meet her yet.)

"Elijah is inside with news about the doppelganger. Finn and Sage are on their way. Sage is going to love you, Bell. Lets get you inside and show you your room. After that I am going to order us some food so we can catch up," Bekah says pulling me inside.

"I'll be up later to talk to you Is," Kol says from behind us.

"We need to talk later as well, daughter."

"Yeah yeah, Charlie I'll check in with you tomorrow. See you guys later!"

Bekah pulls me up the stairs without letting me stop to see Elijah. She tells me he's in a bad mood and he could wait until tomorrow. I shake my head and tell her I wanted to see him.

"Zio Elia, va tutto bene? Zia Bekah ha detto che eri turbato." I ask walking into the den.(Uncle Elijah, is everything alright? Aunt Bekah said you were upset.)

"La mia nipote meravigliosamente bella. Non sapevo che fossi tornato. È passato troppo tempo da quando ti ho visto. Vieni qui piccolo per aver perso i tuoi famosi abbracci." He opens up his arms.(My wonderfully beautiful niece. I didn't know you were back. Its been far too long since I've seen you. Come here little one for I've missed your famous hugs.)

I run into his arms and he hugs me to him tightly. My Uncle Elijah and I got along a lot better than any others. I've gotten into arguments with everyone in the family, but Elijah.

"Uncle Elijah, I've missed you dearly. I will find you tomorrow as Bekah wants my attention tonight. I love you and please stay so we can visit. I'd hate to not see you after tonight," I tell him.

"I'm not going anywhere. We will have to catch up another time. Sleep well love," he says.

A/N: Its been a while I know, but I've had a bit of a rough time with this chapter. Up next will be Damon. Til next time....

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