Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I'm getting tired of not being good enough. I'm tired of always fighting with Stefan. I'm tired of always being chosen second to him. As my father would say. Nessuno è buono come prima scelta. Non lasciarti mai scegliere secondo.(No one is as good as first choice. Never let yourself be chosen second.)  I was never good enough for him so why should I be good for anyone else. My chirping phone brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hey where are you? Elijah was just here and he wants Elena to do the ceremony, but he has an elixir that will bring her back," Stefan's voice says through the speaker.

"I'll be used in the ritual so don't bother me. Seriously I'm out," I say hanging up.

I get to the Mikaelson's mansion and I've got a feeling that my life is going to change. I go up to the door and take a deep breath. I should've gone to get a drink before coming here. I raise my hand and knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I hear someone say.

A few moments later the door opens revealing a girl with dark blue-green eyes and dark brown-black hair. She opens the door far enough and stares at me before gasping.

"Apa! Nem mondtad, hogy az egyik Salvatore testvérem az én társam! Esküszöm, hogy meg fogok ölni!" She screams.(Father! You didn't tell me one of the Salvatore brothers is my mate! I swear to God I will kill you!)

"Lánya, hol tanultad a nyelvet? Mit is beszélsz? Mindkét Salvatore testvér mindent megtesz, hogy megvédje őt. Most ki van az ajtón?" I hear Klaus answer.(Daughter, where did you learn the language? Also what are you talking about? Both Salvatore brothers are doing everything they can do to protect her. Now who is at the door?)

"Come in," she tells.

I enter the house and the girl walks me into the dining room. Klaus stands and the girl tells him to sit his ass back down. I keep myself quiet, but on the inside I'm laughing my ass off. Klaus sits and I wonder who the chick is and where she's been the entire time.

"When were you going to tell me?" She asks.

"How was I supposed to know? Why couldn't it be someone else? Anywho, what can I do for you Damon?"

"I want you to use me as the vampire for the ritual," I say.

The girl turns around and her eyes are completely white. I start backing up and Kol comes to stand between us. I wasn't sure what was going on or what was wrong with her.

"You may want to go to the sitting room," Klaus tells me.

"I'll show you the way, Mr. Salvatore," Elijah says.

I just stare at the girl who Kol is talking to. I wasn't sure why I couldn't move and why I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Elijah grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room.


When I open the door to see the eldest Salvatore brother standing there I couldn't help, but stare at him. He was gorgeous and when I looked into his eyes I knew he was my mate. I yelled at my father in his native tounge and he wonders where I learned it from. I invite him in and lead him to the dining room. My dad stands and I tell him to sit his ass back down there in the chair. He sits and I sigh looking at him.

"When were you going to tell me?" I ask.

"How was I supposed to know?Why couldn't it be someone else. Anywho, what can I do for you Damon?"

"I want you to use me as the vampire for the ritual," Damon says.

I turn around and I know my eyes are either completely black, yellow, or white. He starts backing up and Kol is standing between us. I hear my dad telling him he may want to go to the other room but I'm willing him not to move. Elijah comes up to him and tells him he'll show him the way, but Damon doesn't move. Elijah drags him by the arm and moves him to the other room.

"Iz, eu sei que você está no comando agora, mas você realmente precisa deixar Isabella voltar. Esse homem é seu companheiro e você não quer machucá-lo. Ninguém vai usá-lo para o ritual porque estamos usando outra pessoa," Kol says to me.(Iz, I know you're in charge right now, but you really need to let Isabella come back. That man is your mate and you don't want to hurt him. No one is going to use him for the ritual because we are using someone else.)

My eyes are white then. Peachy the Fae side is out. Iz, is my lovely fae side and when she comes out things usually don't work out. The only language she'll speak is Portuguese. Since Kol is the only one then he usually calms me down. Isa, she would be the vampire side of me and she could rival my dad sometimes. She's worse than the Ripper and you wouldn't believe who it is. None other than Stefan Salvatore. Izzy, is the wolf side and she's a bitch. She's not friendly and would rather tear you apart and ask questions later. I know Kol is waiting for me to respond, but I turn to see my dad sitting in the chair. I glare at him and he starts to stand up.

"Sente-se a porra do pai! Eu não terminei com você!" I growl.

"She says sit the fuck back down father! I'm not finished with you!" Kol translates.

"Ask her what I've done. I never got the chance to answer him and I was going to tell him that Katherine is being used."

"Ele quer saber o que ele fez?  Ele nunca teve a chance de responder e ele ia dizer a ele que estava usando Katherine para o ritual."

"What did you say?"

"He wants to know what did he do? He never got the chance to answer him and he was going to tell him that he's using Katherine for the ritual." Kol looks at him.

A/N: Hi again! Hope you guys enjoy! All translations are from Google Translate. Let me know what you think. Til next time....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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