Chapter 3

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Once Dawson finished looking at the bruises that littered my body he let me go. I wasn't pleased that my mate had to witness something so ugly. I stand up grab my clothes and put them above my body. I was about to open the door and leave but feel his hand grip my wrist causing me to whimper a little from the pain. He lets go and looks at the ground in shame.


"It's okay it hurts but I've had worse." Dawson looks at me with worry and fear.

"I'm kidding I don't feel pain so it's okay" I smile at my little joke, but I guess Dawson didn't find it funny because he wasn't laughing.

"What do you mean you don't feel pain?" I hesitate to answer but there's this feeling in my stomach saying that can tell him everything.

"When I was little I could feel pain but when my parents started to beat me I became immune to the pain and beatings, so my body just turned numb from the pain but when I was in your territory I could feel the pain." I look at him seriously not finding the joke funny anymore.

Past Memory

I smile up at mummy and daddy both my hands in theirs. Daddy said we were going to the park today but for some reason daddy and mummy seem unhappy. Once we get to the park I start to slide down the slide then I get to the pole. I'm going to make mummy and daddy proud by going down the pole.

"Mummy, daddy I'm going to go down the pole watch this." They both look at me and I go down the pole. I look at daddy and mummy smiling, but they weren't looking at me anymore they were fighting. I walk other to them curiosity taking other me. When I get there daddy grabs my wrist hard making me whimper in pain.

He pulls me back home mummy behind me with an angry face.

"Daddy it hurts." Daddy doesn't let go he keeps pulling me back home. Once we get there I'm thrown to the ground and daddy slaps me across the cheek making it sting. I start to cry.

End of Past Memory

I shake my head trying to forget the first time my parents started to abuse me. Dawson looked shocked and pale like he had just witnessed a ghost walk past him.

"S-so your parent's hurt you that much that you became numb to any type of pain." I nod in agreement.

"I stopped caring about what happened to me too, mentally and emotionally I just stopped caring all together and I also didn't care if I got a mate cause I knew they would probably reject me."

Dawson hugs me catching me off guard "I would never reject you I will love you for eternity okay" I feel the tears brimming on my eyes again, but I force them back. I've cried enough today.

"Also, you're coming home with me today and never going back to your place." Dawson says with a very serious face. I guess my surprised face was funny cause Dawson started to laugh.

Dawson hasn't stopped following me since this morning now it's second break and I'm getting tired of him following me like a stalker. Oh, also how could I forget obviously I got glares from the girls and sometimes I got looks of disgust and confusion, I wasn't very surprised since there was the most popular guy following me around everywhere.

I have lost him but that was when I went to the toilets. Since it was second break I grabbed my food and was about to leave to go to my favourite place to eat but Dawson got me before I could leave now I was sitting at an empty table with only him and I. I started to eat the terrible cafeteria food but was interrupted by a quiet voice.

"C-c-can I s-sit here" I look up to see a girl with thick black brimmed glasses, two brown braids on both her shoulders. She pointed to the seat next to me and I nodded not minding an extra person at the table. I look around to see there were no other tables to sit at, so I was guessing she came late.

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