Chapter 5

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Hade's POV

I groaned awake to laying on something uncomfortable. I tried to get up but my whole body hurt, and something was restraining my wrist and ankles. Once my eyes adjusted to the lights I looked around the room. It was white there was a large rectangular window in the middle of the wall I couldn't see through it though. Next to me there was a small table with a tray full of tools. I could see things that hospitals used when they were doing surgery.

'Where am I?'

At the corner of the room there was a man leaning against the wall. Panic raised again in my stomach.

"Your awake sweet little one" The man said pushing himself off the wall with his shoulders. He walked towards me and I started to thrash around but I couldn't break free. "Don't worry my friends and I are going to do a few tests on you" I looked at the door and five more men came in all wearing white coats. They all had a mask that had smiling faces on them. The guy that was leaning on the wall unlocked the restraints on my ankles and wrist. I got up and ran towards the door. I tried to open it since the door was locked I couldn't open it.

"My name's Josh." The guy that was leaning on the wall said. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the wall there were chains and some blood stains making me feel sick. I tried to pull my wrist free but his grip on my arm was to strong. He grabbed all the chains he put one on my left wrist and another on my wrist. He then grabbed the ones near my legs and chained my ankles.

"Get away from me!" I finally said. Josh put his finger on my mouth.

"Shhhhh It's alright little one" He said with an evil grin on his face. His friends were still near the door waiting for a command. Josh went other to the tray full of tools and picked up a knife. He stalked towards me. "Little one this will only hurt a little" He ripped my shirt off and pushed the knife from my right shoulder to my left hip making me scream. He did the same to the other shoulder. I screamed even louder I could feel the blood tickle down my body and the pain shooting through me. I blacked out the pain becoming numb.

Reece's POV

I ran away from my mate leaving him alone.

'I don't want my first mate to kill him'

My first mate was crazy, so I rejected him. After leaving the pack I wanted a job, so I got it as being a maths teacher. It's true that I did help my sister and brother so that wasn't a lie, but I also wanted to get away from my crazy ex mate before he tried to kill me. I let my beta take other the pack until I came back. I met Hade's who was my mate and yesterday I got a phone call from my beta saying that Josh (My crazy ex mate) followed me here. It's been three days since I've been here and somethings off my whole body hurts and Hade's hasn't come to teach his class since I left him. I haven't got any sleep because my wolf was restless and wanted to take control all the time.

I walked towards Miss Lori's office. I knocked and heard a come in I opened the door Miss Lori was typing away on her laptop.

"What can I help you with Mr Larp" she looked away from her laptop and made eye contact with me.

"Miss Lori Mr Hale hasn't come to school for 3 days and he's my mate. My bodies been hurting ever since the day I left him in the forest. My wolf has been restless, so I think he might be in danger"

"Mr Larp, I want you to call the police and tell them that Hade's has been missing since 3 days ago okay" I nodded and left her office I instantly took my phone out and called the police.

'This is the police what is your emergency'

A voice rang through the phone.

"My friend has been missing for 3 days and hasn't come back. He hasn't been at home and he hasn't taught any of his classes since he's been gone"

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