Chapter 8

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Angel's POV

I wave goodbye to Dawson who has to return to his pack for a meeting. Once the car is out of sight I return inside the large pack house. Hades and Reece behind me all lovey dovey. It's been a week and because of Hades disappearance Dawson, Reece and I haven't gone to school. Reece asked Miss Lori to help Hades recover from his traumatic time at the abandoned hospital. Dawson and I on the other hand missed graduation and some lessons so were taking some lessons on online. 

"Hey Angel should I take you for a fly?" Hades asks me. I turn around to see that his wings are already wide and ready to take flight. 

"Okay" Hades and I run out the pack house Reece following not to far behind us. Hades grabs my waist and we lift off the ground. We go at least 20 metres higher then the tip of the trees. I start to laugh the feeling of the wind in my face. Hades laughs along with me. Hades and I found a secret place that no one knows about so we go there often. Hades drops me on the ground and soon his wings are back in his back while his feet are planted on the ground. 

"Did you enjoy that?"

"Yep" I pop the 'p' 

Hades and I sit under the big tree in the middle of the clear area. We make small talk about our wonderful mates while making some jokes. I smell something in the forest causing me to stand up and Hades to do the same. I know this smell but where. It's so calming and familiar. 2 large wolves walk out the forest. A tall black one and a white one with a black shape on it's back. I don't know why but I feel like I've known them for a long time. Hades growls and so do I. They both whimper? 

"Human form" Hades orders.

They both turn into their human form. Both male and mates. I can see the eyes of both of them have a sign of love. Not to each other but towards something else. 

"Angel I'm going to the pack house keep them here and make sure they don't runaway"


Hades wings come from his back causing the two others to become surprised. Hades flies away while I keep my eyes on the two very surprised males. 

Hades POV

I fly towards the pack house. The two I saw earlier give me the feeling of familiarity. When I get to the ground. Reece sits under the tree his head slipping as he falls asleep.

So cute

I walk up to Reece and shake his shoulders feeling the slight jolt awake. 

"Oh hey Hades whats wrong? Wheres Angel?"

"2 wolves came out of the forest while Angel and I were taking a break" "What do you want us to do with them?"

"Are they dangerous?"

"No they haven't tried to attack us yet"

"Okay can you carry them here"


"Okay bring them here"


I fly away to me and Angel's favourite place. When I get there Angel and the two males are chatting away like long life friends. When Angel spots me he stands up and walks towards me. He startled the two males.

"Hades I learnt their names and they also know a lot about me and you"

"What are their names?"

"Ash and Taylor"

"Okay. But how much do they know about us"

"Well our favourite colours, animals well technically the basics."

"Okay. Reece told me I have to carry them both to the pack house do you think you can catch up?"

"Yeah no problem"

I walk other to Taylor and Ash.

"Grab my wrist and whatever you do don't let go"

"Okay" I think Ash is the smallest one says. 

I hold out my hands and they grab my wrist.

"Now hold tight" I smile before taking off causing a small scream from Taylor. He looked tall and bulky but he was a wuss. Angel has amazing speed and agility. I could see Angel in his wolf form as he swerves through the trees. Not one loosing sight of him we soon arrive at the pack house. I put Taylor and Ash before I drop to the ground my wings now hidden.

"Follow me" They both follow me as I lead them into the pack house. When were about to enter the lounge room I see Reece leaning against the door frame. 

"I'm the Alpha of Red Blood Pack. My names Reece and Hades here is my mate" Reece introduces.

"I'm Taylor also an Alpha and this is my mate Ash" Taylor and Reece shakes hands before putting them back at their sides. 

"Nice to meet you. I can tell you guys aren't a threat so I trust you"

"Thank you" 

"Can I ask why your on the Red Blood's Pack territory for?"

"Yes we were looking for our sons. We have done so for 12 to 13 years. It seems we have found them though"

Reece and I look at each other both very confused, I can tell Angel is also very confused.

"What do you mean you found them?" Reece questions. Ash and Taylor looks at each other and smile. They point at Angel then me? 

"What do you mean were you sons we have been abused by our parents for so long there is no way you can be our parents." Angel sort of yells. I can see the hurt in Taylor and Ash's eyes. 

"Well we can take a blood test and see if you Angel and Hades parents." Reece offers.

"Okay" Ash finally says bursting his own silence. Angel, Reece, Taylor, Ash and I head towards the pack hospital. When we walk in a nurse comes towards us.

"What can I help you with Alpha Reece" 

"Can you take a blood test with these 4 and see if their related in anyway?" 

"We can do that. Can you 4 please follow me" We all follow the nurse each of us taking the blood test. 

(Sorry this is a really short chapter enjoy though)

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