Chapter 16

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Dawson's POV

I wake up the next morning with Angel's head laying on my chest. I watch as it raises and falls at every breathe I take. His hair falling onto his face. I use my fingers to swipe it away from his face. Adorable. His eyelashes cast small shadows they were long. I smile to myself as I watch my mate in is peaceful sleep.

He groans awake sitting up while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. he stretches his body his arms in the air. I take this chance to tickle him on his sides. He tumbles forward trying to get away from me while he's in a fit of laughter. 

"O-okay d-d-don't s-s-t-top please I beg you" He says breathlessly through giggles. it's been 1 week since Hades and Angel came back. It took some time to get Angel and Hades to tell us what happened. Meanwhile Reece and I were searching for some information about their kidnappers. We found out who. They apparently were the rogues that attacked Taylor and Ashes pack when Angel and Hades were around 4 to 5 years old. We have questions Hades he says he doesn't remember but I could tell he's leaving more off then he should be. 

We never found out where they hid however Reece and I plan on doing everything in our power to kill them for even laying a finger on our mates. 

"Dawson?" I snap out of my busy mind to look at Angel with a worried expression. I start to tickle him again another round of tickling. After him ending up on the floor I got ready. I went for a shower and got dressed. I walk out to find Angel on the bed looking at his phone. When his eyes spot me he tucks his phone in his pocket. 

"Ready for breakfast handsome?" Angel walks other to me then pats my chest. 

"yeah Beautiful" His smile turns into a frown. 

"I told you not to call me that" He whines as he playfully slaps my shoulder. 

"Ow" I pout his snorts crossing his arms then leaving the room. I follow behind him as we head towards the island. We were the first ones there. Angel instantly went behind the counter then started making breakfast. I watched as he swayed his but side to side as he hummed a tune. I watched intently finding it amusing. 

"Nice ass" I comment. His head finds around. If he was a girl his hair would probably whip him in the face. A blush forms on his face causing a grin of satisfaction on my face. 

"Ass hole" He retorts before going back to cooking breakfast. I notice Hades walk into the room with a limp. 

"So I'm guessing you guys fucked like rabbits last night" I smirk " No wonder I heard moans all throughout the night" A blush gets plastered on his face as he takes a seat next to me.

"Well, you're not any better than we are you probably do the same amount of fucking as we do" he retorts.

"True" I say giving up on the small fight. Angel's face turns beat red yet again. Reece walks into the room as soon as Angel sets down four plates of scrambled eggs with bacon on the side. 

"Smell's nice" Reece says a smile spreading on Angel's face from the compliment. We all dig into the delicious food as Angel takes a seat next to me then starts to eat. Once we finish breakfast Angel and Hades clean the dishes as Reece and I head towards his office to talk about the kidnappers.

"We found out where their hideout is" He mentions. "The only problem is that they have the rogue king leading them." I nod my head. 

"Are we attacking them?" I ask.

"Yes, I won't let them get away with kidnapping and r-raping him too" He says to himself as he frowns. I frown as well knowing that Angel didn't get to have his first time with his mate but instead with his kidnapper. Fuck I'm going to rip off their heads.

Hades POV

Angel and I finish cleaning up before heading towards Reece's office. We stop at the door but don't go in. With our super hearing we could hear through the door without any trouble.

"Are we attacking them" I hear Dawson ask. 

"Yes, I won't let them get away with kidnapping and r-raping him too"  I could hear the anger laced in Reece's voice as he stutters out rape. I shiver to the mention of rape. I could tell Angel also shivered to the word. 

"We learnt that they're hiding out at an abandoned prison in the middle of the woods near Lullaby town" Reece tells Dawson. 

"I'm going to take all my best worriers in my pack to help with yours" Dawson says. 

"Okay, even though before we didn't get along for Angel and Hades we will" I could tell Dawson must have nodded. 

"Yes, for now when do we attack" Dawson ask.

"We will train the warriors every day to their best ability."

"Okay I will be the one to train them" Dawson offers. 

"Okay, we will attack in 3 weeks" Reece announces before we hear shuffling. Before we could get away Reece was in front of us with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Explain" After Angel and I explain. We were scolded for around 2 hours which actually felt like eternity. Dawson pulls Angel away while Reece and I go outside. 

"Should we go for a run?" Reece ask. 

"Yes" I say quickly. I take my clothes the same time Reece does to. We shift into our wolf forms. I shake out my fur to find Reece doing the same.  Reece was a beautiful black wolf that I thought looked absolutely beautiful. I didn't know I was staring until I felt a wet slobbery lick from Reece.

'Like what you see' he says through our mate link.

'not at all' I lie.

'Should we go to the waterfall' Reece ask. I instantly bolt towards the waterfall in the middle of the forest. I was a little faster than Reece mainly because I had extra powers but that never bothered him. I loved the wind in my fur. I went faster nearly loosing Reece behind me. When I turned my head around I spot Reece with an surprised expression. I stop nearly skidding on the ground.

'What's wrong?' I ask

'You fur' He says. I look at my feet to notice my fur was now a bright fiery red. 

'It's red? How?' I look at Reece with a tilted head. 

'I don't know but you look beautiful' I blush deeply luckily I was in wolf form. Suddenly I came up with an idea I should have thought of long ago.

'Reece what if you taught me how to fight?' I say excitedly. 

'No' He deadpans.

'Please' I beg I give him my best puppy wolf eyes. He flinches I could tell he would always give in.

'Fine' He groans. I jump up and down in excitement. 

'Last one to the waterfall is a stinking mutt' I dare. 'I won't use my super speed I'll use my normal wolf run' I reassure cause I know I would win if I used my other super speed.

'okay' He runs off without saying anything.

'Cheater' I shout as I run as fast as I can catching up to him in a few minutes. We both arrive at the waterfall at the same time. I don't stop however I run then pounce as high as I can into the water. I shift before landing. I swim to the top to find Reece just about to jump in too and land on me. I move out of the way as soon as possible. I might as well let my wings have a little wash since the white was turning more into a brown colour. I take my wings out all the dirt in my wings spreading in the water.

Reece watches as I rub my wings to get extra dirt out. He swims other to me then touches my wings. I feel like my wings have a mind of their own. Shivers run through them. I can't help let a little moan out as the shivers reach my body. I didn't tell him but my wings were like a turn on if someone touched them. He looks at me with a sneaky grin on his face. Shit. 

(Sorry for not updating for a while I was busy with some things.

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