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Chuuya woke up the next day, looking around, disoriented slightly, but not as badly as the first time he woke up here. He doesn't really know what to do, so he lays there for a while, thinking of all of what happened that he could remember up until now.

The brunette was currently out of the house as he had to go shopping for some supplies and food. There was a note on the bathroom door for Chuuya.

When Chuuya spotted it, he got up, stretched, then went over to take a look. He might as well, since there's nothing else to do. So he picks it up and reads it.

The note reads.

"Dear Chuuya.

I know who you are, you know who I am as well. In fact we used to be extremely close before everything went to shit.

Anyway I went shopping I'll be back in 4 hours. Don't try to escape. I'd really hate to have to kill you.

Love, The Bandage wasting device. "

The smaller man had to read that several times before comprehending. In fact, he knows it could only be Dazai who left this... but close...? Them? How different were they from their present selves back then...? Chuuya folded the note and put it in his pocket. "...f*cking confusing..." he mutters to himself as he goes to get a drink of water. He's hungry, too.

Dazai returns as promised 4 hours later and comes into the basement with food "Chuuya, honey, I'm home~" the male acts like he's singing as he does this.

Chuuya had managed to half doze off before then, so when Dazai made his sudden entrance, it made Chuuya jolt awake slightly as he rubs some tiredness from his eyes. Then he glances at the man, wondering how much of what he said was truth so far.

Dazai sets the food down. "Here, I figured you were hungry. Also do you remember me?"

"... I remember that voice. Hearing it over and over." That seemed to be all. However, it seemed better than nothing. Especially seeing as to how he had forgotten everything because of that accident.

"What about my voice?" Dazai's face was still hidden in the shadows.

"When I try to think back before the accident... the only thing I can recall is that voice." He clarifies. But he doesn't move yet either, still waking up. But Dazai's voice is unique enough that Chuuya knows what it is that he remembers.

Dazai steps forward into the light he's wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans looking very much like he just got home from 2007's vans warped tour.

When he sees the outfit, Chuuya vaguely recognizes it. But when he can't grasp the full image, he looks at the floor instead before curling up slightly. His brain didn't appreciate the thought as he was trying to remember. It was starting to hurt a bit.

Dazai walks over to Chuuya and lifts his head up to study him. "Y-you really don't remember me do you? What happened?" there was an obvious tinge of sadness in his voice as he spoke.

Chuuya's gaze was blank yet troubled. He couldn't remember anything except the voice calling him 'Slug' or 'Hatrack'. There was a slight sorrow in that gaze as well.

Dazai let go of Chuuya and walked out without saying a word he left the food and drinks in the room with Chuuya.

"... not like the f*cking accident was my fault..." He spoke to himself. Then, he went on to say out loud, "... didn't f*cking ask to have my memory erased..." He'd lost a bit of his appetite now.

A loud bang was heard from upstairs followed by a female scream and a male yelling by that was obviously Dazai's voice, but something sounded off with it.

Chuuya noticed the offness of it, quickly realizing differences as he listened. The sounds alone almost makes him sick, and he realized that it reminded him of something in his past. He's not sure what. It makes him tense, as if his body is ready for fight or flight.

Suddenly the door to upstairs flung open and rushed footsteps could be heard right before a girl appears in the room with Chuuya. She's got a stab wound on her side that's bleeding pretty bad. She spots Chuuya but before she can speak, Dazai swings an axe hitting the major artery in her neck, covering him in blood. "I told her not to run but nooo." his voice sounded darker and deeper then normal.

This was frightening to the smaller male, not because of the blood covering him, but Dazai's voice. That's not the voice of Dazai's that Chuuya knows. And he's staring at the corpse, trembling slightly as he backs up, still sitting there. He looks repulsed and scared.

Dazai turns to look at Chuuya, a twisted smile playing on his lips as the girls body twitches "Oh Chuuyaaa ~"

Chuuya only backed himself against the wall. His eyes were on the twitching body. That's what scared him. And despite his feelings of slight terror, his eyes meet Dazai's in a flurry of emotions.

Dazai's look softens for a moment before changing back. "Awe is someone scared?"

"...the f*ck... the hell's wrong... the hell'd you go f*cking psycho for...?" His voice is weak compared usual, and he can't take his eyes off of the now corpse. "Oh, Chuuya, poor Chuuya, you see, some things have changed starting before you lost your memory." Dazai pulls out his pocket knife and flips it open before walking over to Chuuya and crouching down in front of him.

Chuuya can't back up any further at this point, making the unwise choice to flatten himself against a wall. Dazai moved closer to Chuuya putting his knife to his throat. "But what's it matter if you remember the past and what we had?!"Dazai's voice rose a bit at this.

He's trembling a bit at this point, but he manages to speak, "... why the hell wouldn't it...?" He still dared to speak against the man in this way when he doesn't feel like he can do anything.

Dazai let out a growl as his eye twitched. He got up and left leaving the corpse in the room with Chuuya.

The smaller one's eyes have already grown dull, now avoiding looking at the corpse at all costs, even going as far as to curl into himself again, which is how he'd stay until Dazai came back.

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