Chapter 7

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Two weeks has passed and I have contacted Aladdin a week ago. I asked where he was and he surprised me by saying he is in Balbadd where I and my group will go. I told him to wait for me there in a week and asked him who is with him. I got surprised again when he said King Sinbad and his Generals, Masrur and Jafar are there with him and of course with his friends.

So now we are in a teleportation circle and ready to depart. I have my hood on, to avoid the womanizer called Sinbad.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

With the snap of my fingers, we appeared in Balbadd and floating. An explosion of some sort got my attention. We flew down low and got there.

Ugo is about to crush Judar who has his borg about to be destroyed.

"Strife, Genos, Seth, Sho, Rai, Ken, go protect the civilians"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Judar's borg is on the verge to be destroyed but I grabbed him out of the way and Ugo hand his hands on a clap like position.

"Enough! Both of you!" With just my strong voice, they froze in fear

"S-S-S-Seraj-s-sama!" Judar gulped as Ugo stood straight.

"There are civilians here and both of you are fighting like you both are going to kill each other! Ugo! You know better than to beat a Magi!" I lectured as all of the people in here are watching

"King Seraj!" Alibaba shouted in surprise

"Onee-san" mumbled Aladdin weakly

At the background, you can see that the Guardians have protected the civilians and pretty much healed them. Masrur and Jafar looking confused as Sinbad looked ready to flirt but have a serious facade.

I patted Ugo on the arm and his wounds healed up immediately. I did the same with Judar who just floated beside me not moving an inch, afraid.

"My, my what do we have here. A monster beating up my dear Judar" a woman's voice made me look up. It is Kougyoku with her attendant and some body guards of sort.

"He's not a monster!! He is protecting us!! Your friend is the one who attacked us!!" Aladdin shouted as my Guardians stayed quiet but ready to attack

"Old hag, keep quiet!" Hissed Judar but she ignored him and have her attention to Ugo. I just flew silently, observing what will Kougyoku's next move will be.

"You shall pay for hurting him!" Kougyoku removed her hair pin which is where Vinea resides.

"Enshin, Entai, Engi, kill them!" Three men or creature jumped of the carpet. Their faces covered with a veil but their body obviously points out that they aren't human

Kougyoku decided to use her full body djinn equip and lunged at Aladdin. Sinbad came immediately and took a hold of her wrist and using his magoi to supress her full  djinn equip. He is sucessfull but I hate it when he holds her like that. He decided to flirt with her but also lecturing her about harming civilians

"Kougyoku, did Kouen ordered you to attack the citizens here" I asked in a strict tone making her freeze, realizing who am I and my prescence

"N-No, Your Majesty" she mumbled in a sorry way

"Order your men to back down. Judar, make sure to control yourself. Ugo, go back" I ordered as they immediately obeyed. Ugo went back to the necklace but this time, Solomon's mark is gone

"May I ask who are you, My Lady" Sinbad was about to step on my personal space but my Guardians prevented him from coming closer by surrounding me.

"I believe you are adressing to King Seraj of Reja. Head to the 12 Guardians and ruler of Djinns" Strife, Genos, Seth, Sho, Rai, Ken all said in sync but with coldness in their voice. Sinbad got surprised and flinched at their coldness.

"High King Sinbad, was it? Apologies on behalf of the Oracle and the Princess' for their wrong doings" I slightly bowed out of curtesy

"O-oh its fine. Your Majesty, why have you come here to Balbadd?" (Again with the Bald, seriously with the miss spelling😂😂😂)

"To meet the Princess and Aladdin and his friends" I simply stated while pulling my hood closer to my face. I seriously hate how he looks at me. It is unnerving and the Guardians noticed it and inched closer.

"Aladdin?" He asked completely surprised

"Onee-san is a friend of mine for these past months and is really kind" Aladdin answered for me. Good thing he knows about hidding his identity to others.

"I see. It's nice meeting you, Your Majesty, Your Highness even though we met at such a bad time" Sinbad tried to flirt with me but I just looked blankly at him while Kougyoku is a blushing mess.

"It's nice meeting you too but we must get going. Aladdin, Sho and Kai will be with you during your stay" the last sentence, I looked back at Aladdin who is tired and afraid

"Do not worry, Aladdin. He isn't dead" I patted his head as Sho and Kai went on his sides to protect him

"Let's go" I jumped in Kougyoku's carpet with Judar's braid in my hands as he complained quietly. Strife, Genos, Seth and Rai followed in suit with Kougyoku.

"Until we meet again, King Sinbad" I glared at him but he didn't seem to notice. I took Kougyoku's hand with mine.

We flew towards the palace and guards greeted us. They don't know that I'm a King but I don't mind. What I mind is the rash behavior of these kids in my arms right now. Kougyoku's attendant kept quiet knowing who I am and how powerful am I.

The guards led us to a luxurious room and immediately left. I threw in Judar and pulled Kougyoku in the room. The others are outside the room.

"What are you doing Judar? Why are you attacking Aladdin and injuring the civilians!" I strictly lectured him

"You could have been deeply injured if I wasn't there to stop the Djinn from hurting you even further. And you Kougyoku! Do not do anything rash that would result to war against the Seven Seas Alliance and especially King Sinbad!" Never in my life was I disappointed in these two. Never did they even do something this rash

They both kep quiet and fidgeted in their sittung positions. Looking away from my gaze as they fear to cause more anger than it already is.

"Next time, I will personally ask Kouen to send you both to be with the twins if you both will do it again" with the mention of the twins, they have a horrified expression

"No, Please Your Majesty! Anything but that!" Kougyoku begged

"Please no!! I will do anything for you just not that!!" Judar is practically on his knees

"Then you both be better be carefull next time" I flicked their foreheads

"Yes, Your Exelency" they both mumbled

"Kougyoku, do you know who your going to be married of to?"I asked with a disgusted tone as Judar made a face of 'yuck'

"N-no, but he is the King of Balbadd right?" She hesitantly asked

"Yes he is the King but a.......quite unpleasant fellow"

Judar shoved her a crystal ball and applied magoi. There showed the face of Ahbmad who is sitting on the throne. Kougyoku paled and fainted at the sight.

"I knew she will faint at his sight" Judar said

"Rashid is quite handsome so where did his genes go?" I asked to no one as Judar nods in agreement

"Couldn't agree more"

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