CH 1

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 Hi this is my 1st supercorp fic, I do not own any right of Supergirl or the DC universe, this is just for fun and, because some of my followers ask me to do a supercorp work. Hope you enjoy it too. The beginning of this story will be during season 4, and, the last scene will be like season 2 episode 4. Everything in bold italics will be the thoughts of the characters, what is in their mind.  Let me know what you think about this, thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review. Have a great day!

(At Catco)

Nia. - "Kara, do you have a moment?"

Kara nods. - "Yeah, sure..."

Both girls go to the terrace and, once they are alone, Nia reveals something...

Nia. - "I know you are Supergirl... "

Kara. - "What?!"

Knowing Kara's secret is not the only revelation of Nia...

Nia. - "I know you are Supergirl because I... I can see the future..."

Kara. - "What ?!"

It looks like Kara can't formulate a complete sentence and, this doesn't make it easier for Nia, but, there is no time to waste so, Nia continues talking...

Nia. - "I don't know if it's a gift or a curse, but, I have seen the future, that's why I know you are Supergirl. Before coming here, I knew, I know that one day, you would be my mentor, and I'm not talking just about being a reporter..."

Kara. - "What do you mean?"

Nia. - "You will help me to use my power to help people and, with your help, I will become: 'Dreamer'... "

Kara looks very confused with everything that she's hearing and, she gets more conflicted when Nia warns her about the end of the world. Kara shakes her, she does not want to believe that the world... Her world will end, very, very soon...

Kara. - "I know that everything looks very bad, and, you might be scared but..."

Nia. - "Kara ! I'm serious! This hate will rise in a scale you can't imagine, it will poison the heart of more than a half of the world and, it will destroy us..." (deep breath) "A very advanced technology will be in the wrong hands, and that will be the end of the world as we know it..."

Kara shakes her head, she refuses to believe it...

Nia. - "You don't believe me..." (she approaches and, putting her hands around Kara's face, she says) "Let me show you..."

*** Kara's narrative (voice-over) ***

We do our very best, but it's never good enough... being good is not enough, no matter how hard I try to protect others, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference, because when bad things come, they come out of the last place you ever thought...

Lena was working late in her office when someone lands on her balcony. The brunette doesn't bother on looking at the girl of steel, she is still angry with the hero...

Lena. - "Just because I helped to keep you alive and, clear the atmosphere from kriptonite, it doesn't mean you can come to my office whenever you want. We are not friends..." (she raises her head and, says) "You're not welcome in my office, you... "(she frowns) "You are crying..."

Lena wanted to act cold and distant with our dear hero, but, how, how can she act cold and distant when the hero looks like that... so broken, so sad...

Supergirl cries. - "Why?! Why Lena...?!"

Lena. - "What are you accusing me now?!"

Supergirl. - "You are experimenting with the material of my planet, after Reign you kept working with those elements we used to vanquish her... Why?!"

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