Stupid bunny boy

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Hoseoks pov

"Jimin hyung?"

I look up and there stands a tall boy with Rose hair. He looks at us with a frown.

Jimin pulls himself away from me and turns around.

"It is you!" The boy says happy and starts to hug Jimin. I feel a little irritated and I'm about to pull Jimin back to me, but than the boy opens his mouth.

"Kookie!" He says happy too, but I know something is off. Still, he hugs him back and I want to slap that boy.

"Who is this?" I ask Jimin. And than they stop hugging.

"I'm jungkook." He answers for himself. "And you are?" He asks.

"Hoseok" he nods and focus his attention back on Jimin.

"It's been a while. I never knew you moved to Seoul" he says, showing his bunny teeth smile.

"Just this week" Jimin answers and looks back at me. Jungkook follows his gaze and looks at me too.

"Are you together?" He ask. Than I see Jimin biting his lip. Why isn't he responding?

"Yes, we are" I Answer. "No we are not!" Jimin respond. "He just likes to think so"

Jungkook nods and grabs Jimins hand. "Than is it okay, if I take you somewhere?" Jimin nods hesitantly.

"See you sometime, Hoseok" The boy says and he takes Jimin out of my sight.

"Wait!" But when I'm back inside. Jimin and the boy are nowhere to be seen.

"Stupid bunny boy" I hiss. I look around and than I see Yoongi standing in the kitchen. I'm walking towards him an than I spot someone clinging on him.

"Taehyung?" The boy looks up and smiles softly at me. "Hi, Hoseok" I look at Yoongi and he is really showing off his gummy smile.

"What did you do?" I ask him and he shrugs. "I think he can't handle alcohol very well. I told him to stop drinking and than he hugged me. But he never let go."

I laugh at the sight of Taehyung hugging Yoongi in surprise.

"It is not that I'm complaining. But I think it's time to bring this Alien back home"

Taehyung looks up at Yoongi. "Carry me than" he says a d Yoongis eyes widen.

"Yah! Are you crazy!" And Taehyung nods. "Crazy for you" he says play fully and Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"You are a baby, you know that?" And than he cary's Taehyungs ass out of his house.


I turn around and I see Jooheon walking towards me.

"Look! I'm walking like zombie!" I look confused at him when he makes his way to me as a zombie.

"Why am I the only  normal here?" I ask no one in particular. "Hell you're not" Jooheon replies.

"By the way, did you get some Jimin?" He asks and I shake my head. "Someone took him away from me"

"Did I hear you say Jimin?"

I look past Jooheon and behind him stands Jimin's brother.

He walks up to me and smiles lightly at me. "I'm his brother Taeyong. Have you seen him? I can't find him"

"He left with someone named Jungkook" And than Taeyongs eyes widen. "Jungkook?" He asks again and I nod.

"Well, Fuck!" He shouts and some people turn around to us. "When did they leave?" He asks again.

"About a half hour ago, I guess. Why?"

He rubs his neck and keeps looking away.


Than he looks at me and bite his lips.

"Fuck! Bambam is going to kill me!" He shouts again.

"I'm going what?" I hear an other voice coming closer and I see Jin walking in with some other boy. He has black hair and is wearing sunglasses inside. He looks imitating.

"Jin huyng" I say and he nods. Taeyong turns around and starts to rub his neck again.

"Taeyong where is Jimin?"he asks the red haired boy and the boy in front me looks nervous.

"He left" he responds quietly. Than the boy next to Jin looks at me, but he doesn't say anything.

"This is Bambam. Jimin's other brother. What a coincidence huh?" Jin says happily. I nod, still processing why Taeyong is scared.

"Taeyong? Where did he go?" Bambam asks and he looks back to the red head.

"The thing is" Taeyong says scared. "Hoseok says he left with Jungkook and-

"He what!" Jin and Bambam scream together. But before Taeyong can say anything, Bambam en Jin start running off.

"What is going on?"I ask him and Jooheon looks at me.

Taeyong lets out a sigh and hits the counter.

"Jungkook is his ex" Taeyong says quietly. "And he is the reason why Jimin has a lot of demons to fight with nowadays"

"What do you mean?"I ask and he looks up.

"He needs to get out of his sight before he gets hurt!" He shouts and than he rans off too.

I look at Jooheon.

"Dude, go save your man" he says and before I realise what happens, I ran off too.

If Jimin really is in trouble, than I'll save him!

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From any kpop group?

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