Friday Night

44 32 7

Jimins pov

"I can't believe you guys talked me into this" I groan. Taehyung leans into me and hugs me.

"It's going to be just fine" he says. "And we are here with you"

"The only reason why we are here is because of you" Taeyong says to Taehyung and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"I know you want to do Jooheon" The grey boy says.

"Let's just go. And please don't do anyone" I say and I start walking to the front door of Jooheons house. You don't hear the music outside, so maybe it isn't here. I hope so. Than we can go home.

Taeyong knocks at the door, but to my disappointment, the door opens and Jooheon looks rather happy as he sees us.

"Come inside. The party is in the living room" he says as he steps aside.  Taeyong smiles at him and steps inside.

I look at Taehyung and I see he is pissed. "You don't want to?" I ask. "Its not that" he answers. "I just don't want to see a drunken obsessive Yoongi. He is annoying already when he is sober. What is going to do if he is drunk?"

I nod in understandment. "Take my hand" and I hold my hand for him to hold. He takes it happily and we walk inside.

When we reach the living room, I see Taeyong standing with some colored hair boys. He is already enjoying himself. But when he sees us, he walks towards us.

"You finally came inside. I thought you ran back home" he says laughing and with my hand u punch his chest.

"Idiot" I roll my eyes. I'm still holding Taehyungs hand and he is awfully quiet. I turn my head to him and I see him staring at someone. I look further and I see the boy named Yoongi intensely staring back at Taehyung.

"Are you just going to stare at him?" I ask playful. And immediately he turns his head away. "No, I'm not. Let's get some drinks" And he pulls me to the kitchen.

There are not a lot of people. It's a party, but a reasonable one. That's a shocker.

When we reach the kitchen I see the most handsome man leaning against the counter. His blond hair is looking fresh. He wears a black blouse and his sleeves are raised to his ellbows. And on his exposed arms, you see some tattoos.

He turns his head and looks directly at me. His face turns in a smile and he walks toward us.

"Taehyung? How are you?" Taehyung looks up and smiles at the man.

"Jin Hyung!" He shouts happily and he let's go of my hand to hug the man. The man hugs him back and looks at me again.

"You're cute. What's you name pretty boy?"

"Ji-jimin" I answer nervously. He let's go of Taehyung and pulls me in a hug too. "Call me Jin hyung" he says and I nod in his embrace.

"Yah!" I hear someone shout. "That one is mine!" Someone grabs my arm and pulls me out if Jin's embrace. I look at the person and I see the boy with the brightest smile. But now he looks rather annoyed.

"This one is mine" he says again and he hugs me.

"Damn Hoseok. I never seen you like this" Jin says.

So this guys name is Hoseok? Than I remember he still holds me and I push myself from him.

"I'm no one's property. So stop saying that!"  I grab him by the collar and draw his face closer to me. "Get it?" I ask dangerously.

"I like this kid!" Jin says happily. And I hear Taehyung chuckle.

"Whatever you want baby boy" Hoseok answers and smiles at me. I feel my cheeks warm up by his nick name for me and I let him go to turn my head away from him.

"S-stop" I whisper. Hoseok chuckles "Is my baby boy getting shy already? You change quickly"

I look back at him. "I'm not yours" I say one more time. He has a smirk on his face and it creeps me out.

"Alien! Why you running away from me?" I hear the voice of no one else than Yoongi and I turn my head to him.

"Because I don't want to talk to you Suga" Taehyung answers. Yoongi walks the kitchen in and stops his pass next to Hoseok.

"Jin hyung. Nice seeing you here. Namjoon is in the garden" Yoongi says.

"Yoongi. Stop harassing this kid" Jin says and protectively hugs Taehyung.

"I'm not harassing him. Im just playing with him" Yoongi says while showing his gummy smile to Taehyung.

"Whatever" Taehyung says. "Jimin I'm going to look for your brother" and than he walks away.

"Yah! Alien! Babe! I wasn't done with you yet!" Yoongi shouts and walks after Taehyung. He just left me here with him. What a douche!

"So that leaves us alone" Hoseok says. But Jin pulls me to him. "Easy hoarse"

"Thanks Hyung" I say to Jin and he smiles at me. "I found a new son. Go somewhere else Hoseok. I'm having him now"

Hoseok rolls his eyes and pulls me out of Jin's grip and pushes me towards the garden, leaving Jin behind.

When we are outside he let's go of me.

"I know Jin looks sweet, but he is the one you have to really look out for" He says and I narrow my eyes at him.

"And what do you want?" I ask him, still not trusting him either.

"I told you already" he answers while he leans to the fence. "I want you"

I shake my head. "Who said I'm gay?" I ask curiously. "Please" he says smiling. "I make everyone gay for me."

I nod my head. "Sure. If you say so" and Hoseok nods I  agreement.

"Good I say. Than you don't need me." I answer. And I turn around to make my way out of here, but he pulls me back in an embrace.

"I want you." He says again, but with a different tone.

Before I can respond I hear someone shout my name.

"Jimin hyung?"

I pull myself out of Hoseoks embrace and turn around.

In front of me stands a bunny teeth boy with rose hair, looking nervous at me, but than it changes in a smile and he hugs me.

"It is you!" He says happy and I hug him back.

"Kookie!" I say happy too.

Now I'm fucked.

So what do you think about Jin? Did you see that coming?

I really think he is hot as a bad boy though.

But he is mister worldwide handsome. So yeah he is hot in general.

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