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Three hundred leagues southwest of New Sandharbor, dawn remained less than half an hour away. The sky brightened, but the sun had yet to crest the horizon. Jin's arrival in the savannah tore stalks of grass from the ground and kicked up dust.

She sought out Scorpion. Jin used her horse's imprint to guide her teleportation, so her eyes narrowed when she saw no immediate sign of him. Perhaps the spellcraft hadn't completed correctly, and her teleportation arrived off-course.

Taking a step forward, she then saw a motionless mound of black and white lying in the grass just ahead of her.

"Winds, no," Jin whispered. She raised a foot off the ground to go to her fallen horse.

"Your Highness, stop!"

The urgent command came at a low volume, not far behind her. Grimdar's voice was smaller, no longer in his truest form. It came from a source near to Jin's height, so it seemed most likely he'd taken a human body. Jin halted in mid-stride, eyes locked on Scorpion's still form.

"Grimdar, explain," Jin whispered harshly.

"Do not... move." A rustle of motion from the grass came from the direction of his voice. Grimdar had taken a slow step towards her. "The spellcraft startled her, and creatures such as this are never more dangerous than when they feel threatened."

Jin felt a bead of sweat fall from her brow. She listened to the early morning air, past the slight breeze disturbing the tall grass. There was a menacing noise masked by the breeze. It was a low growl, like a clicking, hissing sound coming from a reptilian throat.

It was behind her.

Jin's hand moved slowly to her side, ready to manifest a holding spell to allow her sword to appear in her grasp. She struggled to keep her breaths even, fought against the need to pant. She felt cold, and sweat clung to the silk against her back.

Scale lions were among the most dangerous beasts Jin knew of. Pack-hunting reptiles, larger than a man, swifter than a horse, and stronger than a tiger. They were cunning, ravenous, and fearless. Of every creature Jin had ever faced— mortals, mighty, shifters, fey, and fiends— scale lions were the only ones she truly feared.

"It's alright," Grimdar murmured. He took another step towards Jin. "Easy now. She's not going to hurt you."

Jin opened her mouth to tell him that she didn't need reassurance as much as action at the moment. Then, she realized it wasn't her who Grimdar addressed.

"She's frightened, Highness. Frightened and sick. I've been tending her for the past few hours."

Jin dared to turn her head slightly to look over her shoulder. She couldn't breathe for the raw panic gripping her chest.

It was lower to the ground than could be seen over the grass. These creatures kept low as they prowled, their powerful hind legs poised to pounce and rake their victims with long and razor-sharp claws. Bite down with vicious jaws. Scale lions were peerless hunters, savage and lethal killers.

Barrier ward, she thought. Evade low to the ground. Keep blade raised between me and the creature. No, its reaction time is beyond human ability. Spellfire. Set grass alight. Dazzle its eyes. Minimal ether in beast imprints, still enough to thwart death spells. Pyromancy remains most effective available option.

Whatever tactics came to mind, Jin's body wouldn't obey them. She was frozen in place, cold sweat dampening her skin. At the same time, the deep scars slashing down Jin's stomach felt as if they burned.

Royal Assassin: Book Five of The Empress SagaWhere stories live. Discover now