First Day

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"Hey Chief it's Hollie."
"What can I do for you?"
"I'm gonna be a bit late for shift, I'll come and explain everything when I get there."
"Thanks for letting me know."
"Thanks Chief." Hollie said hanging up.
"So We'll Drop you off and Hollie will pick you up then I'll pick you up from the firehouse." Mouse ran over the plan again with Amelia.
"Got it." Amelia Said with a smile that hadn't left her face since yesterday.
"We best get going then, don't want you to be late for your first day." Hollie Said, grabbing her Squad 3 jacket on the way out.

"Come on in." Boden said as he saw Hollie at his door.
"Thanks for that Chief." Hollie Said, she had just got back from dropping Amelia off at school.
"Is this going to become a regular thing?" Boden asked.
"Possibly, it depends on if Mouse gets called in." Hollie answered.
"Congratulations by the way." Boden said with a nod.
"Thanks Chief." Hollie Said with a smile.
"What's going on then?" Boden asked.
"My mums been looking for me recently so I went and confronted her, turns out I've got an 8 year old sister as well. I don't want her growing up in that environment so she's moved in with me and started at a local school today." Hollie explained. "I was hoping I would be able to bring her here after school, just until Mouse finishes and he'll take her home?" She added.
"That won't be a problem." Boden said. "Just let your lieutenant know and hang back if it's a full house call whilst she's here."
"Thank you so much Chief." Hollie Said, standing up.
"No problem." Boden said as she began to walk away. "Halstead. What's her name?" He asked as she left his office.
"Amelia Grace Kingsley." Hollie Said with a smile before turning and heading to find Severide.

"We've got reports of a hostage situation at a local school." Voight declared. "Suit up." He added.
"What school sarge?" Mouse asked, Ready to pull up the floor plan for the guys.
"Pine Hills Elementary." Voight said. Mouse froze, "please say I heard that wrong." He thought.
"I know a kid there." Mouse stated, looking at Jay and Erin.
"Sarge, can Mouse come with us." Jay said, understanding what Mouse meant.
"Sure, let's get going." Voight agreed.
"You need to call Hollie?" Erin asked.
"No, I don't want to worry her." Mouse Said as he followed them to the car.

"What've we got?" Voight Asked the officer in charge.
"Looks like five gangbangers with guns. There was reports of gunfire down the street, looks like a gang fight. One of the gangs ran for cover in here." The officer reported.
"Any injured?" Jay asked.
"Not that we know of." The officer said.
"Anyone made contact?" Erin asked, the officer shook his head.
"That's our first priority, Dawson you work on that, Mouse get a floor plan of the school, Halstead see if you can see where any of the kids are through windows." Voight ordered. "What do I need to know about your friend in there?" Voight Asked Erin and Mouse once everyone had left.
"Hollies got a half sister in the third grade that she found out about yesterday." Erin explained. "She's no relation to Will and Jay that we know of." Voight nodded and walked off.

Half an hour later and Dawson convinced the gang to let a class go as a sign of good faith. They were demanding all police move back and a getaway car.
"We've got hostages coming out!" Dawson Called. The front entrance opened slowly revealing a teacher leading her class out.
"Straight over here." Halstead said, leading them over to a curb on the side of the school drive. "Take a seat, someone will be over to check you over in a moment." He added.
"We're all fine thanks." The female teacher said with a shaky smile.
"Alright, someone will be over to ask you a few questions in a moment." Jay said with a nod before heading back over to where everyone was stood.
"Anything?" Mouse asked.
"I don't think so." Jay said shaking her head.
"Erin, take Burgess and ask the teacher some questions see if she knows anything useful. Mouse go look for her." Voight ordered, mouse giving Voight a grateful nod on his way past.

"I'm sorry I don't really know much." The teacher said when asked if she knew anything.
"Do you know where the classes are?" Kim Asked.
"They're all in the hall." The teacher said.
"Thank you." Erin Said, not wanting to press any further and wanting the teacher to get back to her class.
"Hey." The teacher said, Calmly placing a hand on Mouses shoulder as she noticed him pacing back and forth, scanning the crowd of kids. "Can I help you?" She asked.
"What grade do you teach?" He asked.
"Fourth." She Said, Mouses face dropped. "That was the wrong answer right?" Mouse nodded. "Who are you looking for?"
"Amelia Kingsley, third grade." Mouse Said.
"The name doesn't ring a bell." She paused for a second. "Is she the new girl, started today?"
"That's her, do you know where she is?" Mouse asked.
"She's in the hall with all the other kids, she looked scared but okay." The teacher reassured him.
"Thank you so much." Mouse Said with a small smile before hurrying back over to where everyone was.
"They're not willing to let any more hostages go until we back away and get the car." Dawson said, putting the phone onto the car, annoyed.
"Not gonna happen." Jay Said. "There's over 90 kids still in there and staff."
"We can't go in because they'll start shooting." Erin countered.

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