I am Your Father

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Welcome back! We left off where Brendon had came home and we were fully in love.

To start it off, I'm still pregnant and my due date is in two days. I can't believe it. Yes, I'm very pregnant and I just want these babies out in the world so we can cuddle.

Brendon has been very helpful, especially with me just being an ass.

I woke up feeling very happy today. I felt like today is the day maybe. I felt my contractions coming in, but not too strong. I walked around the house to let it pick up and of course they sure did.

I decided to make breakfast and have Brendon sleep in for a bit because I know that in the next few days it's going to be wild.

My parents and Brendon's parents have came over to help. We ate breakfast together on the outdoor patio. I went inside and went to go change into sweats. And tried to get comfortable, but it was hard to do so.

The contractions are getting heavier each hour, so it's most likely to be today. Brendon had packed the hospital bag.

We drove out to the hospital and my contractions were getting worst. When we got checked in. The doctors were sure that today was the day to give birth to them.

I was dilated to around 5 centimeters, so that means 5 more. I sat in the bed feeling pain and they made sure I was comfortable because this might take a few hours. Brendon sat next to me and we started a conversation. After that I decided to take a nap to ease the pain, and it did help. Brendon went outside to call his friends, family and my family that we were in the hospital and the little ones would be here soon.

When I woke up, it's was 3pm and I was dilated to a 7. We are almost there. Brendon slept on the couch near the window.

I just let him sleep for a little bit, so I decided to watch a movie to kill time. When the movie ended, Brendon had just woken up and I was now dilated to a 9. It was time to get these babies out. They gave me the epidural shot to help the pain of giving birth.

After that the nurses wheeled me into the delivery room. They let Brendon come in with me. He was with me the entire time.

He kept kissing my forehead and saying I could do this. Then I felt liquid coming out. I looked and all I saw was blood oops. "I think my water broke" I said. The nurse checked and I sure did. It was now time to get these babies out.

They put me in position to give birth. Brendon held onto my hand.


It was time for Scarlett to give birth to the twins. I was excited and nervous, but hey I'm gonna be a daddy. Our parents were waiting in our other room.

Then Scarlett told me that her water broke and they put her in the position to give birth. I held her hand tightly and tied her hair up and kissed her forehead.

"Alright, push on 3" The nurse said. Scarlett pushed and screamed.

"Alright, baby #1 is almost here" a nurse said.

"One more time" She said. I sang that part like Vegas lights.

Then all you heard was a newborn crying. "It's a boy". A nurse said bringing the baby to clean up.

" Alright, baby boy born at 4:00pm on July 22nd" another one said.

Alright another one to go.

"One more baby, you can do this." I say, rubbing Scarlett's head.

A few more pushes and baby girl was born. "Baby girl, born at 4:02pm on July 22nd". After that they cleaned Scarlett up and I went to go check on our babies. They looked healthy. They both had Scarlett's nose, and my lips. I had the chance to cut their umbilical cords. After that nurses brought the babies over to Scarlett to see.

She crying of joy. She saw the babies and kissed them.

The nurse informed us that they had to do quick testing to see if they were healthy and clean them up.

Scarlett was now out of breath and very happy. After 10 minutes of cleaning up. They brought her back to our room and we were met by our families. They came over to hug me and Scarlett. Scarlett was tired and she wanted to sleep, so I let her. I went down to the food court with our parents and grabbed lunch.

After an hour we went back to our room.

Scarlett was awake and a nurse was teaching her how to feed them.

"Alright it's time to name them" the nurse said, Scarlett and I already chose their names.

"Baby Boy is Lucas Brendon Urie" I said.

"Aww that's a cute name." The nurse said.

"Well, I chose that so his nick name is Luke and to pick him up like this and say Luke I am your father." I said giggling playing with his nose.

I cradled him in my arms for a bit.

"Baby girl is Lucy Grace Urie." Scarlett said.

I awed, because we were still deciding on her middle name. We brought her over to my mom and my mom snuggled her.

Both babies had my forehead.
"Damn, extra foreheads in the house." I said laughing.

I took Lucy from my mom's arms and cradled her. We passed the babies around to each person. After, our parents left to go tidy up the house. Our friends came to visit.

Yess totally "Luke, I am your father." Just imagine Brendon saying that.
Watch when the babies get older and Brendon starts mocking them and all it'll be cute I promise and when he does his valley girl voice hehe. Alright, alright I'll stop, but those might be featured later on hehe. Well hope you enjoy this chapter. See y'all later much love 😘

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