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I walked in the class as I sat in the usual seat I choose everyday unless there is something serious that day like a test letrice sat next to me I didn't want her sympathy so instead I just kept my head straight looking at the teacher he did the role that's when I realized the class was empty there was only three other than me and letrice I then smirked and looked at the teacher who went back to his desk as I raised my hand as he raised a brow at me 

"um sir arnt you going to teach us something"

Mr.Stovall~"it's the last day of school Mr.phipps you can have a day off"

"if I wanted a day off sir I wouldnt have came to school...the fact that you are a teacher and Your job is to teach yet you refuse to can affect me"

Mr.Stovall~"in what way can I affect you on the last day Mr. Phipps you have an A in my class there is nothing else I can teach you"

"you have a degree in biochemistry and you tell me there is nothing else you can teach me I find that hard to believe...and it can effect me because I need as much knowledge as I can have a true teacher would teach every hour no break or day off even on the last day of school"

His facial expression change I smirked knowing that I ticked him off seeing him get up and hand me a paper as I looked at him with a grin

"may I ask what this is an the instructions"

Mr.Stovall~" it's a test you may use the notes you took this year but that is it you have to the end of this period"

I took out a pencil as I looked at the test signing my name in cursive as I filled out the test because to others it was hard but for me it was easy it took me 10 minutes to finish as I ended it up in a perfect summary getting up handing it to him

"there you go"

Mr.Stovall~"thank you Mr. Phipps you can sit down now" 

I walked back to my seat and saw letrice looking at me with her mouth open as I smiled siting down as I watched her pull my desk over with an angry expression 


She then shook her head as she started whispering 

Letrice~"was that necessary"


I smiled and looked at her as I poped the *P*when I answered her watching her look at me crazy which was funny as I chuckled scaring everyone in the room as I looked back seeing there faces due to my evily dark laugh after a few more minutes I got bored and ask to go to the restroom walking out the classroom seeing my friend chase at the locker

"get back to class!"

I yelled in a manly voice close to my father seeing him quickly jump closing his locker as he looked at me and laughed then sighted 

Chase~"fuck you over here then scared the life out of me"

I looked him up and down smirking 

"you pretty alive to me"

Chase~"you know what I meant....where you going?"

"to the bathroom I got bored"

Chase~"oh... Well I'll see you later I got to get back before Mr. Kirkland sends me too the office"

"alright then" 

I watched him walk into his class as I walked to the bathroom going to the sink looking in the mirror as I sighted in frustration hearing someone come in as I looked over and gasp

"what the fuck Elena what are you doing in here!" 

I watch her come closer as I bagged into the wall an groan at my stupidity as she placed her hand on my chest I quickly removed them as she smirked licking her lips

Elena~"hi Matt"

I growled looking at her crazy as I waved my hand in her face

"earth to Elena your in the boys restroom!"

Elena~ "oh please Matt we all know I am not the first girl to come in here so don't give me that bullshit" 

I looked at her as her and raised a brow before I pushed past her and growled more

"I suggest you leave before I push this button and call the office to escort you out and we all know that want end well"

I heard her huff as she walked past me out of the restroom as I ran my fingers through my hair leaning against the wall I usually run my fingers in my hair to keep control or when it's just messed up but I do it a lot I pulled out my phone going to instagram seeing 10 messages 100 and something likes and 20 new followers not phased I looked at the message

( hey... 

Im looking for an Inuyasha...


How was your day ...

I saw your recent story I think... 

Hi Inuyasha....

Matt answer me!!!~Letrice

Hi friend... 

You seem handsome 

Want to roleplay...) 

All of them being girls I  Ignore them cause usually they don't want nothing but a quick pleasure rush and that's it so I rejected each one adding another post as I walked back to the classroom seeing letrice asleep on the desk as I slammed my hand on her desk seeing her jump up as I smirked 

"sorry I thought I seen a bug..."

She rub her eyes as she layed back down and I sat there quietly thinking back at what happened 

(Flash back)

Letrice~"Matt you really should call her before showing up to her window with flowers"

"I want it to be a surprise so shush"

I got out the car with the bouquet of flowers as I walked to her window which was usually open as I got near I started to hear moans fill my ears as I drop the bouquet walking to her window as I frown at the sight she was riding my friend Jason and I made a squeak out of belief as they snap there head towards me I saw them rush to get there clothes on as I growled storming to my car getting in as I saw letrice worried face shaking my head seeing Elena run out as I pulled off that day I dropped letrice off and locked myself in my room that whole weekend I didn't want to talk to no one and when I got to school I ignored as many people as possible I gave her my love and trust an she ruined it 


I snap out my thoughts as I heard the bell ring and me and letrice walked to are lockers for some reason I don't have a goodfeeling about how this day will end

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