Equal But Different

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I woke up this morning and look at my laptop as me and Titania finished what we started last night but I was glad to hear that she was eating cause it makes me go crazy when she doesn't it's not healthy I got up from bed grabbing me some clothes as McKenzie ask to have a discussion over lunch going to the bathroom as I took a quick shower wiping the mirror as I shaved my face washing it as I pulled my hair back getting dress in jeans and a shirt and boots as I carried my towel back to my room 

"she won't be here in another 3 hours I can't talk to Titania for now"

I picked up the laptop texting titania she was being silly talking about whopping my ass in Mario Kart I probably would let her win if we did play just to see her smile  I was interrupted by my thoughts as I heard some one walking through the door getting up walking out my room 

McKenzie: "Matthew!"

"that's my name don't wear it out"

I said entering the room as she raised a brow then started giggling as I looked at her confused 


McKenzie: "you need more clothes you wear the same thing everyday"

"no I just got a lot off the same things I like the color black and blue and white and sometimes red"

McKenzie: "but like was it necessary to get six each of the same shirts"

"is it necessary for you to ask all these questions "

I watch her give me a scrowl as she glared at me making me laugh as I grab a jacket smirking as I looked at her defeated expression on 

"exactly what I thought"

I grabbed the keys from her hand walking out going to the car as I got in smelling something as she got in behind me as I looked at her raising a brow as she put on her seatbelt 

"did you clean my car?"

McKenzie: "yeah it smelt like old food and cookies"

"what was wrong with that!"

McKenzie: "everything don't worry you will probably have it smelling like that again by the end of this week"

"I like that smell... "

I growled as I caught her laughing pulling out the driveway going to that place she loves so much as I turned up the radio as I watched her look out the window then payed back attention to the road stoping at the light 

"I hate this light it takes to long"

McKenzie: " no it doesn't you just always in a rush you rush with work you rush with driving hell your butt probably rush with-"

I looked at her confused of why she paused then curious of what she was going to say as I smirked

"what do tell..."

I watched her face turned pink as she played with her hand looking at her lap 

McKenzie: "I was going to say you probably rush with sex"

I laughed as I pulled up at the small restaurant 

"I don't rush sex I simply go so fast that it's over quick... And sometimes I know how to go slow when needed but Titania is not to fond of that choice"

I saw her glare at me again as I shrugged getting out the car behind her as I went in the restaurant with her as the waitress took us to a table as I pulled the chair out for her 

McKenzie: "you know your crazy right one minute your a gentlemen and  then your a groucho"

"a what?"

I laughed at her insult as I held my stomach pushing her in siting down looking at her 

McKenzie: "stop laughing!"

" haha I'm sorry it just your so innocent its cute"

'at the same time she can be a hell of a pervert'

McKenzie: "yea yeah yeah laugh it out would ya"

I smirked straighting up as the waiter came and we both ordered are usual as she picked up her straw and so did I as we started to have a playful battle 

"thee have wounded me but my soul shall live on forever more.....ugh"

I fake died as I made her giggle siting up as the waitress brought back are food as I smiled 

"Thank you"

We both said in union as I laughed watching the waitress giggle at as turning as I quickly lifted my burger eating my burger 

"so what do we have scheduled for work this week"

I said with my mouth clearing full as she laughed scrouching her nose then wiped her lips as she smiled

McKenzie: "not much since the boss is going to visit her family in Europe this week and your father is taking over but mostly just usual revising and accounts to handle and work to publish"

"I see....well thanks for. The head up"

I finished as she did also as we argued over paying the bill as I forced the lady my money earning a huff and puff from McKenzie as the waiter clearly mouth an apology to her 

McKenzie: "you should've let me paid"

"it's fine...it was that much anyway"

We both walk back to the car as I got not use to the smell as I looked at her play with her seatbelt   pulled up at the house getting out as I started to unlock the door seeing her face clearing disappointed as I raised a brow 

"what's wrong don't tell me your still angry about the bill thing"

McKenzie: "no just wishing I would've never left....then we wouldn't be like this"

She waved her hand between us as I opened the door looking at her as I really didn't know what to say 

"oh.... Well have a good night"

I went to my room hearing her go to her room as I took off my shirt and shoes and pants laying down as I looked at the ceiling 

'different but equal....'

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