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After reading what McKenzie said I looked in disbelief how could  the superintendent give Lizzie a promotion and I been working on the promotion for week I growled in anger  as I got up from my bed I quickly made this sheet and make sure everything looks neat I hurried and put on my clothes just a shirt jeans and some Converse like usual

"I need to handle this"

I saw McKenzie waiting at the door with a smirk as I growled glaring at her 

"this is not funny oh and what you said about titania this is why I'm dating her cause she is not You! And she my sweet little kitten"

"~even though she can make you crazy~"

I agreed with my conscience as I laughed running to the car getting in as I hope my father doesn't mind especially after I scrapped it 

"~ wish I couldve did worst~"

I ran a couple of lights but what the hell I got to the office as I grabbed my wallet realizing my  laptop is at home 

"shit! I didn't get to ask titaina about her breakfast"

I hit my head on the steering wheel for my stupidity as I gave up on feeling hurt because she gave me a excuse and wish she would've gave me some of those treats 

" alright enough thinking about my girlfriend need to get this over with so I can get back to her"

What I didn't know was that I was going to be in a meeting with the superintendent for 4 hours about my constant behavior

"~she fucking talk to much ~"

Superintendent: "Mr. Phipps your father has dealt with company for over four years and to think that you would come and try to ruin his reputation!"

"what fucking reputation is that..."

I said under my breath as I sighed looking at her as she was hardly glaring at me as I pulled at my lip ring to keep me from laughing at the small glasses on her face 

Superintendent: "what was that!"

"I said you are so correct Mame but what the situation is really at call for right now is the promotion you refused to give me"

Superintendent: "it changed when you fought one of are employees Mr. Phipps...until you can show you have some form of responsibility in you you will continue to stay at your current position now leave my office before I give you more work"

"Wow so scared I'm shaking in these 50 dollar converse"

I said sarcastically as she hit her hand on the desk as she reached for her desk placing a heap of paperwork on her desk 

Superintendent: "good then you wouldn't have a problem with looking through all of this signing the company names and faxing it to some of the people on this list and proof reading this report"

My eyes went wide as I ran my fingers through my hair 

"that's going to take all day"

Superintendent: "then I suggest you get to work Mr. Phipps  good day"

I walked out her office slamming the door as I growled going to the employer office as I grabbed some water cause this was going to take a while after getting halfway done I catch the new boy that my brother shows around getting water as I smirked 

"wow slow down there pal your not going to use that water to give to a cow"

He quickly turned around shaking as he looked me up and down terrified as he had this stiff suit on and his hair gel back looking like he was going to pee on his self 

"you've met the superintendent I assume"

He  nodded is head slowly as I got up walking around him looking at him crossing my arms he was young Way younger than most people her except for me and my brother of course 

"you know you don't have to wear a suit up here they tell you that shit just to get on your nerves and to my knowledge you looking to nerves there mate relax I'm not going to bite You"

He looked at me as he opened his mouth to say something then shut it as he scratched his neck then he finally spoke after 2 minutes of quietness which was suffocating 

Alex: " I-im sorry I'm Alex I just thought you were going to beat every guy that looked at you I mean you did throw that old guy against the wall"

I laughed at his words as I smirked in amusement 

" that was different he got in my nerves but  let me give you a tip never tell the person your scared of you are scared of them but don't worry I got you just tell me if anyone gives you shit an me or my brother will handle it for now my names Matthew my friends call me Matt and my girlfriend calls me Wolfy I get called other names I'm quite sure but no one has been brave enough to say them to my face"

He laughed and nodded his head as he looked at my work as I shooked my head

"shit I almost forgot about that alright nice to meet you again Alex I have to get this done before the superintendent chews my ass"

Alex: "nice to meet you too goodluck"

I finished the work and I placed it in the basket by her door as I kicked the door hard to aggravate her knowing she was probably sleep walking out the building as it was dark

"oh shit I Havent talk to Titania!"

I ran to the car as I was  held up by work traffic 

"great this couldn't get any worse"

I was wrong... By the time I got to the house I rushed to my laptop to find she made new chapters today quickly reading them I caught my life draining little by little as I couldn't breathe feeling something much worser than I could imagine 

"~she hates you your a fucking screw up you did this too her you deserve every inch of pain your feeling she was referring to you when it came to that song just as I thought your pathetic!"

My conscience not making it any better as I felt something hit my cheek as I wiped my face 

'I didn't know how much I hurt her.... Why would she want to talk to me such a dick"

I founded myself breaking down into a sob as I closed the laptop I cried for for the longest as I pulled my hair 

"s-she doesn't deserve to feel this way..."

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