Chapter 1: The Letter

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Hello fellow readers!

I hope you guys will enjoy the story. I will be publishing a new chapter every Wednesday for this story. All hate comments will be reported, so please don't write any. Anyways, credit goes to JuliaVeronik8 for the awesome book cover. I really appreciate it!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sincerely, CRAFTY2018


              It was a chilly day in Magnolia. Natsu and his team were just getting back from a job. Erza had opened the door to their guild hall. It was rowdy as ever. Everyone was drinking, laughing, challenging each other to fights. Basically, it was a normal day for the Fair Tail guild.

            "We're back!" Natsu exclaimed as he burst inside.

             "Hey, Salamander!" Gajeel exclaimed as he stomped over to Natsu.

              "Uh, oh. Looks like the boys are gonna fight," said Levy as she looked up from book. "Should we stop them?"

               "What do you want, Metal Head?" said Natsu as he pushed his head against Gajeel's.

                Erza got sick and tired of their bickering. She walked over to Natsu and Gajeel, and grabbed the boys by their hair. She brought their faces closer to her's and said, "Is there a problem?!"

                The boys felt chills go down their spines. They were terrified of Erza whenever she's angry. "No ma'am!" they said in horrified voices. Erza had dropped the boys forcefully when she heard a knock at the door.

                "I'll get it," said Wendy as she walked to the door.When she opened the door, she saw a man with an envelope in his hands. He had white hair with a mailman uniform on. He was Magnolia's mailman.

                 "Hello, Wendy. Is Natsu around?" asked the mailman.

                 "Yes, he's inside," said Wendy with an innocent smile.

                 "Well, that's good. Do you think you could give him this letter?" asked the mailman as he handed Wendy a letter.

                 "Yes, of course," said Wendy as she took the letter from his hands.

                 "Well, I better go. See you later, Wendy," said the mailman as he turned and walked away.

                "Bye, bye," Wendy said as she waved 'goodbye.' Wendy closed the door and  walked over to her teammates.

                "Hey, Wendy. Who was that at the door?" asked Gray.

                "It was the mailman. He said he had a letter for Natsu," Wendy said.

                "A letter for me?!" said Natsu as he got up off the floor and ran up to Wendy.

                "Who's it from?" asked Lucy.

                 " 'To, Natsu Dragneel. From, Sophia Dragneel,' " Natsu read a loud.

                 "Sophia? Who the hell is that?" asked Gajeel as he got up off the floor, and walked over to Natsu and his team.

                 "It says that her last name is Dragneel. Is she a relative of yours, Natsu?" asked Erza as she and some of her guildmates walked over to Natsu and the others.

                 "I don't think so," Natsu responded to Erza.

                 " Maybe we should open the envelope, and read the letter. There might be some information about why her last name is Dragneel," said Levy. 

                 " Yeah, I think Shrimp's probably right. Open the envelope, Salamander," said Gajeel as Levy punched him in the arm.

                 " My name is Levy, you metal head!" Levy yelled at Gajeel.

                 Natsu opened the envelope, and he took out two pieces of paper: one was a medical document, the other one was a letter written in what looked like italics. Natsu put the letter in front of the document, and began to read the letter out loud. It said:

                 Dear Natsu Dragneel,

                        Hello, Natsu. You probably don't know who I  am, but I'm you're sister. If you don't believe me, there should be a medical document that explains how you and I are related. I know that we've never met face to face, so let  me tell you a little about myself. I'm younger than you, so that means you're the older sibling (talk about luck). I'm a fire dragon slayer, and I have an exceed named Sapphire.

                        But there is one thing that I want to clear up with you. I can turn into a dragon. No, I am nothing like Acnologia, since the dragon who raised me hid inside and prevented me from transforming. I can turn into a dragon, since I was given an amulet when I was a teenager. If you don't believe me, I'll show you what it looks like when I get to Magnolia because I plan on going there to see you. My best friend and our exceeds are coming too by the way.

                          I can't wait to finally meet you Natsu! See you later!


                                                                                                                                                    Sophia Dragneel

                           After Natsu finished reading the letter, he looked up to see his guildmates's faces. Everyone was frozen in shock. 

                            " I can't believe this," said Erza. 

                            " Natsu has a little sister!?" Happy exclaimed.

                            " And she can turn into a dragon!?" Lucy exclaimed.

                            " Do you know what this means?" Levy asked.

                            " No. What does it mean, Levy?" asked Pantherlily.

                            " Since Sophia can turn into a dragon with an amulet, it means that she's one of the six animal amulet holders," said Levy.

                             Everyone was now even more shocked than before. " WHAT!!?!??!!" the guild yelled in shock.


I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my story.

Come back next Wednesday to find out what happens next!!!

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Also feel free to check out my YouTube channel which CRAFTY productions.


                                                                                                                                                                                              Sincerely, CRAFTY2018

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