Chapter 11: Sophia's Answer

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Natsu's words caused Sophia's face to turn deep red, matching Erza's hair. Her heartbeat grew stronger by every second as she thought about Sting. It seemed as if Natsu's question caused Sophia to question her feelings towards Sting.

"Why do I feel so weird?" Sophia thought. "I can't be in love with Sting, right? I mean him and I have a really good friendship, but I wouldn't call it love!"

"Well, are you?" Natsu asked, snapping Sophia out of her thoughts.

"O-Of course not!" Sophia shouted embarrassingly.

"Then why are you blushing?" Natsu teased.

"I-I'm not!" Sophia shouted as she took a deep breath. "Listen, Sting and I are just best friends. That's it," she said.

"Are you sure?" Natsu asked.

"Yes," Sophia said.

"So, you didn't think about Sting at all when you two were separated?" Natsu asked.

"No, I thought about him everyday," Sophia answered. "I thought about our promise, what he was doing with his life, and if we would get reunited or not."

"Are you thinking about him right now?" Natsu teased with a smirk.

"M-Maybe," Sophia said as she looked down.

"I knew it!" Natsu exclaimed. "You are in love with Sting," he said.

Sophia covered Natsu's mouth with her hands and shouted, "I am not! Would you shut up already?!"

Sophia began to walk back to the main hall, leaving her brother in the hallway. She was completely embarrassed and bewildered with her feelings. The blush on her face began to descend as she walked.

"W-What the hell just happened?" Sophia thought. "I shouldn't even be thinking about Sting that way. We're just best friends and nothing more."

As Sophia continued to walk, she stopped when she felt the sharp bang of her heartbeat again. She winced in pain and clenched her chest.

"Or could it be that I want us to be something more?" she thought. "Maybe like a couple or lovers. I mean we haven't seen each other in years, yet I feel so close to him. Like super close."

Sophia brushed the thought away as she shook her head from side to side. She continued to walk out of the hallway and down the stairs until she reached the main hall and walked to the bar.

"Maybe I should get a drink to help me not think about him," she thought. "After me and Natsu's little talk about Sting, I could really use a drink right now."

Sophia sat down on the bar stool and asked, "Hey Mira, can you pour me some wine?"

"Sure, I'll give it to you in a sec," said Mirajane. "Would you like red wine?" she asked.

"Yes, please," said Sophia. "I kinda need a drink because of the talk I had with Natsu."

"What did you two talk about?" asked Mirajane as she put a bottle of red wine on the counter.

"We talked about  . . .," paused Sophia. ". . . everything Fairy Tail went through. Including Zeref and E.N.D."

Mirajane looked down sadly and said, "I was afraid of what you would think once Natsu told you."

"Don't worry," started Sophia. "I took it in pretty well."

"Really!?" asked Mirajane. "That's wonderful," she said as she leaned over the counter and gave Sophia a hug.

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