Chapter 8: Fulfilled Pledges & Fulfilled Promises

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Sophia and Crystal were now on the balcony, looking at the huge group of citizens, who were all waiting for their speech.

"Damn, there are a lot more people in Magnolia then we thought," Crystal whispered to Sophia.

"What do we do?" Sophia asked.

Crystal took Sophia's hand and said, "Sophia, we've got this."

Sophia nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

Sophia and Crystal returned their attention back to the crowd and coughed, "Ahem."

"Hello, citizens of Magnolia," said Sophia. "You all probably know that we're new in town and that we're joining the Fairy Tail guild."

Crystal let out a deep sigh and said, "But what you don't know is that we can . . . transform into dragons"

Crystal's words caused questions to rise within the crowd, confusion expressed on their faces. Natsu, Erza, and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild attempted to calm the crowd down. Crystal and Sophia began to get nervous.

"We're not dangerous or anything!" Crystal blurted out.

"How the hell are we supposed to know you're not lying?!" a man with gray hair exclaimed from the crowd.

"What if you try to kill us like Acnologia?!" a woman exclaimed while holding her baby close to her chest.

"That's enough," said Sophia sternly.

Sophia's mood had changed from nervous to stern. Whenever someone accused her of something that was incorrect, her emotions would come close to anger. Especially, when someone compared her to a vicious creature that was nothing like hair.

This caused the whole crowd to become silent, even Crystal. Crystal rarely saw Sophia so stern, mostly because Sophia's always happy and excited about things. Since Crystal knew Sophia almost all of her life, she had a feeling that Sophia was gonna do something about their situation.

"Uh, oh," said Winter. "So So's mad."

"Shh," said Sapphire as she put her index finger over her mouth.

The exceeds returned their attention back to their guardians as Sophia began to speak again.

"Listen, we know that it might be surprising and kinda terrifying to know that we are a couple of girls who can turn into dragons," said Sophia. "But we're not who you think we are. Crystal and I were born as extraordinary humans just like you. We were given such a power because we were told that we were chosen and perfect for it."

Sophia and Crystal took off their amulets, and Sophia held them a little over the balcony. Everyone looked up to see the magnificent jewels she held in her hands.

"Do you see these amulets?" Crystal asked. "Without them, we can't transform," she said. "Before we were given them, we were nothing but a pair of dragon slayers who joined an amazing guild."

"The dragons, who raised us, made sure that we were safe and that we would be nothing like that ugly dragon who caused nothing but destruction," Sophia said.

"And the woman, who gave us the amulets, trained us to use these things wisely," Crystal said.

"So, you can't accuse us of something that were not," Sophia said. "Because were just a couple of girls, who are wizards and protect humanity as much as we can."

"Do you all think that you can accept us as a part of your population and for who we are?" Crystal asked.

The crowd remained still and silent until a little boy with brown hair spoke up. "Can you prove to us that you are who you say you are?" he asked.

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