Well Not.....?

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"She's a late bloomer"

A few days later..

"Aaron!." I yelled.

"What?!." He yelled back.

"Give me back my red hoodie!!." I said marching to his room.

I barge in and saw him with my hoodie.

"Take. It. Off.Now." I growled.

"And who's gonna make me. You?." He teased me.

I grit my teeth and looked down.

"Give it back.." I said.

"Make me." He said

"I said give it back to me you demonic wolf!." I yelled in another voice.

He looked at me with shock and I grab the jacket closing Aaron's door behind me. Then, I ran to my room and closed the door. I slid down the door and sighed. Control..
I breath in, then hold it then exhaled. I repeated it and sighed. I hear my phone buzz and I grab it. I received a text from an old friend. Roman.

Hey Kiddo. I saw what happened. Want someone to talk to?




"I'm Here kiddo." Roman said sitting on my bed.

"H-How did you-- Never mind.." I said walking to him.

"You need help with your anger issues. Remember what your grandpa said?." he asked.

"Shush. If they will find out.. I'm dead for sure. They already have a lot of problems including Aaron's curse. The ultima curse." I said.

"I know, but your case is much dangerous than the ultima curse." Roman said.

"Dang it Roman.. I don't know what to do... I nearly killed Aaron.." I said as I placed my palms on my face.

"You know what's good right now? Ice cream." Roman says and I look at him.

"Are you not hearing my delima?." I asked him.

"Hmm, maybe a good chocolate ice cream cone with sprinkles will do." He said

He looks at me, "Let's get out of here and buy you an ice cream." Roman said.

I groaned in exhaust.

"When will I go to Mystreet?." I groaned in my pillow.

"Oh hush. You're already on mystreet. You just don't get out much. . Let's go." He dragged me out of the room and out the front door.

"You need time to relax. You've been through enough of it." Roman said starting his motorcycle.

"So you're expecting me to go with you in these shady clothes?." I asked.

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