Again To This

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~°Vylad's POV°~

We were heading home. It's actually 3 in the morning and were on the plane. Everyone's sleepy and I was like an owl. I was wide awake. I was sitting next to Garroth who was scrolling through his phone on Instagram.

"Are you stalking on Y/n?."I asked.

"No. "He said putting his phone in his pocket.

" Really. "I said teasing him.

He closed his eyes." You'll eventually know soon brother. "He said laying back on his chair.

" I don't get what you see all see in Y/n. She's just like Aaron."I said.

He smiled while he closed his eyes. "Give me a break baby brother, Not everyone gets the meaning of falling in love." He said.

"Love. More like vomit. "I said.

" You'll eventually feel it. Sometime. "

Timeskip to Mystreet..

~°Y/n's POV°~

I'm so tired.. I close the door behind me and plopped on the couch. I'm so tired.
The others were dropped one by one to their homes after we got off the plane. Mom and dad are heading to another business trip and that leaves me alone in the house.

My body was so tired of all the traveling. My eyes were heavier and then darkness enveloped me.

"When are you going to tell them, my dear one?. " A voice said within the white plane.

I knew where I was so I stood there. I looked down.

" I don't know when.. "

A woman placed her hand on my chin to make me look at her. I recognized her too well.. Irene..

" Aaron knows.. "I said giving her a small smile.

She sighed and moved her hand to my cheek.

" You'll have to tell them soon or the inevitable will come and I can't help you much longer.. Dear one." Irene said as her eyes flashed from her normal caramel eyes to Grey then back to caramel.

"What do you mean?. "I asked.

Suddenly, I felt I was falling. I screamed in shock. I then bounced on the cold ground. My head hurts. My body hurts. I sit up and then a spotlight was seen above me and in front of me.

" Hello, dear one. " a male voice said

His aura was so strong that it made me flinch.

" Are you ready to be enveloped with the darkness you feel?. " the voice asked.

I slowly stood up." Who are you?. "

" You'll know soon. "he said then he laughed evilly.

I then felt falling again.

" Mommy! Daddy!. " I cried out while falling.

The evil laughter comes." Both of you are the key to my victory!. "

My eyes bolted up. I then saw a white haired man with shades on. Roman.

" Kiddo?. " he gave me a worried look.

I quickly hugged him and he sat beside me. He lets me cry on his chest.

" R-Roman.. "I squeaked

" Shhh.. It's okay.. "He said stroking my hair.

" Did you have nightmare?. "He asked.

I nodded and he sighed. He let go of the hug and held my hand.

" It'll be fine kiddo. Don't worry... "he said.

" Come on. Let's get you to bed.. "He said.

He helped me up and we walked to my room. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead. I gave him a small smile.

" Goodnight kiddo.. "He said closing the door as the lights dim.

The lights were awfully dim and I was in my bed all snuggled up. I just waited until my eyes grew heavier. I hope this night won't end up badly..

~°Roman's POV°~

I closed the door and head to the secret hide out. I sat down at the monitors. I tapped fingers on the keyboard.

I saw a picture of Y/n. I smiled. She was happy. Me, knowing her Ultima side was something I couldn't stop. I had to tell them... For her own good. Keeping this information might cause havoc. I sighed at the thought.

I grabbed my jacket and hat. I stood I front of a door. I did a fingerprint scan.l and the door opened. I saw a beautiful pice of art, called the car. I head inside.

"Where to sir?."The AI asked.

"To wherever Derek Lycan is. "I said.

" Derek Lycan located. At Ro'maeve Manor. "The AI said.

" Like I said. To wherever Derek Lycan is."

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