In Pain

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~°3rd Person POV°~

Your friends were in a cell being laughed at and being beaten up. Your death sent them to a devastating state. Their will to fight back was drained by your death.

"Ugh.. "Garroth grunted in pain as he was being beaten up.

The shadow knights kept on hurting each and everyone of them.

Hurting them to the bone. Garroth was bleeding his life out while Katelyn kept on touching the wound and bruises she got. That's when Katelyn was slit on her arm. Katelyn screamed out in pain.

~°Derek's POV°~

Katelyn screaming was hurting my ears.

"Argh!."She screamed as loud as she could.

"Stop!. "I stood up.

The two shadow knights threw Katelyn to the wall causing her to yelp in pain. I walked towards her and checked her wound. She winced as I slowly touched it. I quickly stood up, looking at the shadow knights.

" That's enough!."I yelled.

The two shadow knights laughed at me.

"What are you going to do old man? Ground us?. "One of the shadow knights said.

" You'll have to be as strong as Shad to order us around. " The other shadow Knight said.

" I demand medications for her and everyone in here! You guys have beaten them to their last breath." I yelled.

A punch was launched into my cheek. I fell to the ground as the pain started to throb.

"Don't raise your voice at us, old man. You have no right to boss us. You're just a simple human with a useless life."The knights said closing the cell.

I looked at them in anger.

" Just give up."One of the shadow knights said disappearing.

"Derek! Are you okay?."Aphmau said.

I stared at the doorway the shadow knights exited then sighed at the ground. I stood up.

"I'm fine. " I said walking towards a wall.

I sat and leaned on it. Aphmau leaned on the wall too.

" There must be a reason why Y/n came here. "Aphmau said.

" Yeah..."Katelyn groaned out.

"She's bleeding so much.. "Kim said attending Katelyn's wound.

"Here." A three bottles of water were rolled into the cell.

I looked up and heard Aphmau growl.

"Ein." Aphmau said in a low growl tone.

"Well well, Look what we have here. " Ein said walking in slowly.

" Get us out of here, Ein. "I said.

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