Taking This Down To Business

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~°Aphmau's POV°~

"Irene... "I said moving my head.

I quickly sat up and studdied my surroundings. I was on the couch. I saw Katelyn, Laurence and Garroth on the ground, Unconscious. I heard light footsteps and saw Kim. She was holding a bowl of soup.

" Aph, You're awake. " She said as she gave me the bowl of soup.

I took it and she sat on the floor, playing with Katelyn's hair.

" Where are the others?. "I asked.

Kim looked down. I heard another pair of footsteps and saw Roman.

" They're going to be alright.. I hope. "Roman said.

" They?." I asked.

"Derek's here. "

~°Derek's POV°~

I groaned in pain and turned. I opened my eyes and saw a figure on a bed. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at where I slept and saw it was a blanket and small pillow. I looked at who was on the bed. My eye brows were furrowed and tears threatened to fall. I stood up and sat on the bed. What I saw was no other than my daughter in her form, peacefully asleep on a bed. Tears started falling.

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. For doing this to you... "I said holding her hand.

I wiped the tears that were falling and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her head moved and her eyes fluttered open. I held wiped my tears quickly.

" Dad?. "Y/n asked.

I smiled at her and held her cheek in my hand.

"Y/n.." I said as more tears threatened to fall.

"Dad, You're alive!. "Y/n said hugging me.

" I thought you were dead... "Y/n said as she cried

The hug became tighter and I swear the tears fell. We part from our hug. I wiped the tears that were falling. Suddenly, she looks down. I put my hand on her cheek and she moves away from my hand.

" Y/n? What's wrong?. "I asked.

" M-Mom.. M-Melissa.. Aaron. "She said as she cried into her palms.

I hugged her and stroked her hair gently.

" I'm sorry... "I said comforting her.

" It's gonna be okay... "I said.

I looked at the hand I used to stroke her hair and silently sighed. I saw a small wound, slowly opening. We part from the comforting hug and smiled.

" It's gonna be okay, okay?. "I said.

" It's only us and them now... We're gonna be okay.. "I said rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand.

She wipes her tears and nodded before smiling.

" Yeah... I hope. "She smiled.

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