Up with The Red Sky

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~°Garroth's POV°~

My eyes widened at how big this room was. Everything was in the shade of Red. There was a red queen sized bed which could fit four people. I then heard Y/n's voice of amazement which made me chuckle a little. I sat on the bed and looked around. There was a little stage where toys and picture frames were placed. I walked to it and picked a random picture up. I looked at it and saw Derek and Melissa. I placed it back from where I took it and crouch down to the toys. There was a tiny dollhouse. I saw a little doll of what seems to be Derek and Aaron. The Melissa doll was outside the dollhouse with The Rachel doll. I stood up and saw Laurence laying on a bean bag.

"This is the life!. "He said laying peacefully on a bean bag.

" Whoever stayed in this room was lucky. " I said, sitting on the steps of the small stage.

" Well, it's pretty obvious that one of the members of the Lycan family stayed here. Specifically saying, Derek Lycan. "Zane said laying down on the bed.

" I wonder if we have things like these too. I mean, come on! Why doesn't dad build things like these?!. "I said in pure amazement.

No one answered. Laurence was already daydreaming on the bean bag and Zane was closing his eyes.

"I wonder how many people suffered from their mistakes..."I said sighing.

I walked to the bed and laid down. I guess, this is gonna be it

"Hope Kawaii~Chan will be all good soon, Zane. "I said turning my head to him.

" Yeah,I hope too."He said turning his back on me while covering himself with the blanket.

'I hope so'


Suddenly, I heard beeping of alarms and red light. I quickly jumped out of the bed.

"What's going on?!. "I asked.

Suddenly, we heard gun shots. Zane looked at me and Laurence gave me a nod. We quickly ran out of our door seeing the girls in panic.

" What's going on?!. "Aphmau asked worried.

" We don't know!. "Laurence yelled in fear.

Suddenly, Roman ran towards us and was out of breath.

" Someone has broke into the base with full force. "Roman said holding his chest and breathing heavily.

" We have to get out of here!. " Y/n yelled.

Roman nodded." Follow me, I know the quickest way out!. "Roman said and we followed him.

The scene was happening too fast. Y/n and Roman was in the lead with their brave faces on while we were running behind them as the alarm sounds and the lights turning red. We run quickly down some stairs and ended up at where we first were, the medical ward. Zane ran first into the medical ward and we followed.

"She's not here!. "Zane yelled.

Y/n looked at where Aaron used to be laying. Suddenly, through the doors of the medical ward, there were gunmen in front of us pointing their guns at us.

" What do you want with us?!. "Y/n yelled.

~°Your POV°~

" Where's Aaron? Where's Kawaii~Chan?!. " I yelled.

The gunmen moved aside while we back up a little. My eyes widened.

" What are you doing here?!. "Garroth yelled in anger.

" Oh, Just to play some games with my precious little date. "He said and the guns were at us.

" She's not yours and never will be!. " I heard Aaron's voice.

" Aaron?. "I said stepping forward.

" Oh, Does little puppy want to have her brother back?. "Ein said teasing me.

My brother was handcuffed and was in cease by Ein and his gang.

" You iron fisted, Stupid, Mongrel!. "I yelled at him.

" Why, Thank you. I do look lovely. "Ein said.

" Don't flatter yourself too much. "I said.

" Y/n... "Katelyn said with worry.

I sighed." What do you want?. "I asked.

Ein chuckled,"I want you." He said.

"My employer wants me to bring you to him." Ein added.

"Ohohoho, Y/n isn't a price!. "Katelyn said.

Ein's face darkened."Do it." Ein said.

"Aaron!."I yelled.

A gun shot was heard and Slowly, Aaron fell to the ground with blood pouring out of him. I got out of Roman's grip and ran to Aaron.

"Aaron!."I yelled caressing his cheeks.

"Y/n... I-I'm sorry..."He said on his final breath and he closed his eyes.

"Aaron wake up! Please don't do this to me! Aaron... "I cried and Roman held me.

I cried on his chest." That's enough, Ein! Let us go! Let Kawaii~Chan go!. "Katelyn yelled.

~°Zane's Pov°~

Y/n cried on Roman's chest as Katelyn was fighting off Ein with dastardly words. Suddenly, Ein smirked.

" Kill her. "Ein said walking away.

Suddenly, Katelyn was on the ground with Garroth helping her.

" You mother---. "I ran to Ein and attacked him. The gunmen was then attacked by Laurence taking a gun men's gun and shooting it to the other gun men.

" Go!. "Laurence yelled and the others ran away.

Y/n and Roman waited for me.

" Quick." Y/n said.

" You slimy little dead beat!. " Ein threw me down and kicked me.

" You were good for something. "Ein said as he took out a gun and pointed it at me.

" Zane! No!. "Y/n yelled.

Suddenly, a gun shot was heard and my chest ached. I looked at Y/n and Roman. Y/n was crying her eyes out as she ran away with Roman. Everything started to blur out. Ein spitted at me and I held his leg.

" You're not.. Going anywhere.. "I said as I started to bleed out and blood was coming out of my mouth.

" Deadbeat. "

Another gunshot was heard and finally, Darkness consumed me..

'Be safe... Everyone..'

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