Earning Her Trust

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At Bright Port

~°Aphmau's POV°~

We've done everything we can and finally I found a clue! I've gathered the others and told them what I found.

"Have you found anything useful?" Garroth asked.

"Not really. These books are giving off false facts than they can give." Emmalyn said.

"So you've gathered us here? What did you find Aph?" Garroth asked.

"Ehem." Emmalyn cleared her throat.

"O-Oh! Y-Yes! I found something!" I stuttered.

"Really!? Where is it? Where's the book?" Emmalyn asked looking at my hands.

"Actually it's not a book." I said.

Emmalyn looked at me in question. Garroth just stands there.

"You didn't find anything did you?" Emmalyn said giving me a straight face.

"I did! It's an observation!" I said

"What observation can you you state hmm?" Emmalyn asked kind of annoyed.

"You do know that all of these books came from Scaleswind do you?" I said opening the books that I've layed on the table.

Emmalyn and Garroth walked closely to see it.

~3rd Person POV~

Everything was clear to them. They knew where they were heading next.


~At Daemos~

Everyone around Daemos has heard about the strange 'human' being in the palace. For years, they treated humans unfairly and not one human has stepped foot on the palace. This shook many Demos and yet they want to know this human's difference from the other humans in Daemos.

Meanwhile at the Palace..

"These books are extravagant! And informative! But...." Y/n suddenly changed moods.

Asch and his knights have been looking out for her. After all, it reminded them of Circe. After seeing Y/n's reaction and to the way she changed her mood so fast made them think something was wrong.

" Is something wrong Y/n?" Rhys asked her.

" We can all see that by the way she acted, Rhys." Asch said making Rhys look at him in annoyance.

" I'm trying to make communication with her." Rhys whispered enough for Asch to hear.

"It's just that..." Y/n sighed while looking at them.

" I wish there was a book about getting back from where you came from and a spell that will help you remember every memory that was lost... But there isn't one." Y/n said upsettingly.

"This library contains more information than any human or Demos has ever known. I am sure that we will find something with that information. Many get their intelligence from this library. Those who can't find their way back will be lost forever and be haunted until they pass away." Rhys said.

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