Chapter One: New Home

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On Your Side

Chapter One

New Home

An inky black car stopped in front of an ancient wooden cabin that seemed to almost blend into the woods around it. The car mentioned contain a small family of three that looked nothing like each other. The 'father' sat in the driver's seat, already pulling out the car keys with a slight jingle. His blonde hair was kept neatly parted to the left side with a darker under tone. His icy blue eyes focused on the timber bungalow without taking any notice of his two 'daughters' sitting in silence behind him. The taller girl had brown hair tied in a small ponytail and small hazel eyes above freckled cheeks. This girl stared emotionlessly out the window before her golden eyes flickered to her 'little sister' beside her. The final female was much shorter than the other two with choppy hair that was cut too short to tie back. Her pale face wasn't ridden with freckles like the other girl but her skin was strangely smooth and gave off a ghostly completion that was barely seen through the heavy side fringe which hid her left eye leaving only her right dull red eye to be seen. Said eye was half lidded with boredom as she aimlessly watched fallen leaves drift past the black car that matched her hair in colour.

All three were dressed in their own fashion style. The man had a plain attire consisting of a simple white t-shirt and typical jeans along with brown shoes, clearly not bothering to keep up with the latest fashion. The second wore a simple dark grey long-sleeved shirt with maroon trousers and worn grey trainers. The last one had a light grey zipper hoodie, black jeans and brown ankle boots along with a beanie hat that colour match her hoodie. What was most noticeable about the ghostly girl wasn't the empty crimson eye but the bandage wrapped around her right ring and little fingers, showing the world of her weakened hand.

"We're here," the man said calmly, breaking the usual silence that blanketed them. The raven haired girl didn't hear her adopted father over the depressing piano melody that was pulsing through her half dazed mind by the black earphone she always carries. The freckled girl sighed and poked the smaller girl with a gentle index to awake her from her daydream.

"This is a shit-hole, Erwin" the tall girl pointed out truthfully, not caring whether it would get her into trouble. The man named Erwin Smith turned round in his seat and glared at her for the language she used.

"Ymir, mind your language. This is all that's available at the moment," with that the stoic man stepped out of the car while the last silent girl pulled out her earphones, oblivious to what had just been said.

"What a shit-hole," her one exposed carmine focused on the rundown 'shit-hole' in front of them. Her repeated words made Ymir smiled which really was just a twitch upwards of the usual straight line her lips were formed in. The brunette shook her head making her parted bangs fall across her freckled before she pushed her door open.

"C'mon Seiba. Maybe it's better on the inside." With that both girls left the car and their luggage for their father to bring in later as they ventured to the rotting wood shack. Much to their surprise - though neither showed it and remained apathetic - inside the log cabin was a brightly lit front room with a roaring fireplace and mantle and three sofas dotted around it, two three man ones and a two man one. There was a woolly off-white rug in front of the stone fireplace - a place where Seiba would later fall asleep. Erwin had disappeared to bring the luggage in just as the two girls suspected so that left them alone to journey through the alien space that they now called home... Well for the time being until Erwin is transferred to a new high school to teach.

That's the sole reason why they moved to a new home in a new town and to a new school. They had done it so many times before that both girls made no attempt to make friends or ties to these places as they knew they would only leave them behind. This made the girls isolated and distant with new people and only made them comfortable with each other though that seemed to be different now as they grew older.

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