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On Your Side


Ten years ago...

Two small children stared aimlessly up at the stoic man before them. One had shoulder length brown hair that was parted in the middle with freckles dotted across her cheeks and the other had choppy black hair that curled into her pale face to hide her left eye. Both of them wore dresses - the taller had a dark grey one and the shorter with a lighter grey one, both stopped at her knees and had long sleeves that covered the smaller one's hands completely. The carers told them that this man would be looking after them now, only saying that he was an ex-marine and wanted to adopt them as his daughters. Both girls felt numb as this man stared back down at them warmly - his clear blue eyes giving them reassurance that they were safe. The taller girl with freckles ridden across her emotionless face had a hand on the smaller girl with half-lidded eyes. Neither were sure what to think. Neither didn't know how to react... But the bored looking one reached out a tiny, broken hand up towards what seemed like a giant to them in a friendly gestured that she had seen other grown ups do when they first meet each other. The man smiled before taking the raven haired girl's hand gently in his, amused by her actions causing the freckled one to tighten her grip on the small girl's shoulder, uncomfortable by her companion's interaction with the stranger.

"Don't worry, Ymir. You and Seiba are safe now. We're going home," with that the man gave them a reassuring nod and placed a massive hand on each of their shoulders with a gentle smile, showing them that they indeed were safe.

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