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jaemin sits at the back of the class, just minding his own business. until suddenly, mark bursts into the classroom and merges towards jaemin.

"NANA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED EARLIER!!" mark's eyes went wide and he takes a seat beside the caramel haired boy. a smile break into jaemin's face, making mark more confused than ever. 

"well.." "hm? oh wait where's the others?" mark's eyes scanned the whole classroom, and was met with the faces that he's not close to. "chenle and jisung is in their class, i don't know about renjun. and why aren't you with your friends?"

"aren't you my friend?" "i mean yeah donghyuck, lucas and.. jeno?" jaemin seems unsure but mark caught it. "you're still crushing on him?" a faint blush could be seen.

"yeah.." the fact that both jaemin and jeno likes each other makes mark chuckle, leaving jaemin confused. "why are you laughing?" "oh, nothing."

"hey, i saw you talking to him earlier tf happened why didn't you say anything to meeeeeee."

"oh.. about that.." jaemin's cheek flashes a darker pink, and a shy smile tugged on his lips. "uhh, his book fell down and i helped him to pick it up. i.. thought it would be a good chance to get to know him better. so i initiated a small conversation. oh and i heard y'all talking about me, why?"

mark's face became paler and he mentally panicked. "umm aaaa." "what?" mark was about to run away if not because of jaemin's talking. "well i asked him what about it, and he actually said it was because he wanted to befriend me! do you know how happy i am?!" 

jaemin's voice became high pitched and stars could be seen in his eyes. mark slowly calmed down and smiled fondly seeing jaemin fan-boying about his crush, who, like him back.

'i really need to get them together.'

"well, yeah he said to us about that but i didn't know it would be this soon. so what are you going to do now?"

"well i kind of slipped my number into his book, i hope he would text me tonight!" jaemin's teeth are widely shown, his eyes twinkling brightly. mark couldn't help but hug his friend, a little bit too happy to see him finally made a move.


jeno watches jaemin laughing with his friends, if he's not mistaken, their names are renjun, chenle and jisung. chenle and jisung are a year younger than all of them, and they are dating for quite a year now.

( i had a hard time deciding on chensung or renlesung sjadkhn oh and if there is suddenly a renlesung moment please ignore it the original plot was renlesung hehe )

jeno watched how jaemin's eyes would twinkle when he's laughing, or when he would hit the people beside him because of too much laughing, and the way his hands would move so much when he's talking.

those small actions made jeno's heart swell with love.

and that day, he finally got the courage to confess. and so he told the guys about it. it didn't end well.

"wait are you for serious?" mark seems to be a bit too shocked, making donghyuck, lucas and jeno confused. "why are you so shocked? hAH wait don't tell me you like him too??? how dare you!" donghyuck exclaimed, jeno and lucas laughing so hard watching mark's face change.

"wait baby no! it's just that wow jeno is finally being a man now. i don't like him i only love you okay babe?" mark pulls donghyuck on his lap and wraps his arms around the latter's torso, a faint blush spreads through the boy's face.

"o.. okay." "smh this kids don't even know how to respect people who are single." lucas comments, his eyes glaring sharply towards the couple. "agree."


jeno came in the class, with a nervous smile on his lips thinking about his confession to jaemin. earlier, mark and lucas helped him to think of the ways to confess meanwhile donghyuck styled him perfectly.

"just say that you've liked him for so long and you can't wait to be his and such yeah i know you can do it!" crackheads indeed .

and now he's outside the classroom, watching jaemin for a bit before walking in. he goes straight to his seat, calming himself down before putting his book bag on the chair. after that, he turns around but is meet with a smiling jaemin.

"hey jeno!" jeno almost got a heart attack but jaemin's cute smile made him smile too. "h- hey jaemin. what are you doing here?" "uhh umm oh well. i.. thought of giving you this." and that's when jeno finally saw something behind jaemin.

"what is it?" a box appeared in front of him. it was an oddly familiar box. then it hit him.

it was the box in his imagination.

"i brought it this morning and it kinda remind me of you, so here take it." jeno slowly takes it from the boy's hand, their hands slightly brush painting a faint blush on both the boys' face but goes unnoticed by both of them.

"thanks jaemin." "oh well uh yeah you're welcome! i'll.. i'll go now." jaemin shuffled to his seat, jeno smiling down to the box.

he immediately sit down and open the box, a well arranged colorful macaroon met his eyes. with a small note, saying

"this macaroon is bright, just like your smile ;)"

"smooth jaemin, smooth."


oops it's supposed to be a short story but this is already 900 words oooooops thank you so much for reading guys ! <3 also if you think i must correct some of my works, please just say it in comments :)

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