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it is the time for changing of the period. jeno takes a deep breathe. the past one week, he became closer with jaemin. and all of the incidents has connections to his imaginations. is it just concident, or jaemin could read his mind?

"ah i must have gotten too sleepy and now i'm thinking of nonsense. i should get to the class now." jeno picks up his bag and walks down the hallway to history. and by fate, jaemin and his friends are at the other end.

"can this day only get better?"

true, jaemin and jeno now are friends. but that doesn't hide the fact that he's still madly in love with the other. as they are approaching each other, jeno could hear the trio being loud, remembering his imagination of the three guys.

speaking of them, mark and donghyuck were absent to go on a date, while lucas doesn't have classes for that day. jeno sighs. he admit, he do feels lonely.

"hey jaem- ouch." 

jeno don't even remember what had happen because he is already beneath jaemin, and it seems like they collided with each other and fell together. "oi this place is public if you want to keep doing this please do this in a room."

"jeez renjun why are you salty today."

"i'm salty everyday so please elaborate."

jaemin stands up and followed by jeno. "i'm sorry, i must have zoned out that i didn't see you coming." jeno rubs his nape and smiles sheepishly to the boy. jaemin just nods and brushes the dust of his clothes.

"it's okay, it might be my fault too. hey what class are you now?" "history. you?" "oh, we have the same class! wait i'll go to my locker for a bit." and jaemin just run and disappeared at a corner, leaving jeno behind with the boys.

"well i need to go now, bye!" "us too! please take care of jaemin hyung, jeno hyung. bye!"at with that, the trio went away. jeno stands there, alone, not knowing what to do. his mind drifted away to this imaginations, that seemed to be real nowadays.

what is happening right now? why am i suddenly close to jaemin? does he know about all of my imaginations? what if-

"jen!" it didn't took long for the caramel haired to be back by his side. a bright smile could be seen on his lips, the smile that never fails to make jeno's heart beat rapidly.

"let's go now." jeno nodded and walks to the classroom, side by side with jaemin. the walk is silent, but more of the comfortable silent.  their hands brushes occasionally, both the boys' face turning red but made no attempt to distance themselves.

as they got to the class, jeno offers jaemin to enter first. "oh, acting like a gentleman now?" jeno just laughed and followed after jaemin-entering the class. jaemin sits down on his seat and cups his face, trying to get rid of his blush.

it was his first time seeing jeno laugh, in front of him, because of him. jaemin couldn't help but feel proud of it, and just blush at the thought of jeno laughing everyday because of him.

"ahh, i need to control myself." "of what?" jeno suddenly sat down beside him, startling the other.

"did i scare you? sorry." "no, it's okay. it's nothing."

"well if you say that then." not so long after, the teacher comes in and starts the class. 

jeno would steal some glances towards the younger, sometimes lingers when there is no one watching. of course jaemin would notice, so he looks back at the older and smiled. but that doesn't mean jaemin isn't affected at all.

true, he is flustered by the other's action but he brushed it off, thinking the older is just his friend. 

jaemin, with the thought of never confessing and is very confident of the older not liking him back, and jeno, with the thought of confessing but always seems to be disturbed and end up never confessing.

will there be love in between them?


lol nope the love love part won't start yet, there is another one chapter and then nomin will happen :)

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