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jeno's maths textbook fell down from his locker. jeno sighs and puts back the books in his hand into the locker. he was about to crouch down when suddenly, his latest imagination came into mind.

jaemin came, and we got closer!

his eyes quickly scans around but to no avail, there is no jaemin. jeno pouts and crouches down, picking his book from the floor.

"it fell again? why are you so clumsy?" jeno looks up, and is met with his crush. "o- oh. yeah don't know what's wrong with this book." "maybe because it's weak to face a cute boy like you?"

the sentence rolled out of jaemin's mouth so smoothly, jeno chuckling a bit. "yeah, so smooth." "oh, i don't see a blush on face anymore?" "huh?" jeno seems to be confused.

"don't act like i don't see your face turning pink whenever i'm talking to you, jeno." "same goes to you, jaem. you always blush when i talk to you too." and suddenly the both of them blushes together, breaking a laugh among them.

( ^ crackhead culture )

"hey.. isn't this nomnom from we bare bears?" jeno look towards left, from his schedule to jaemin observing his collection of we bare bears' pictures on his locker's door. "you know them?"

"of course i do! i love panpan so much!" a smile tugs on jeno's mouth. he has a thing for the bears but he never shares it with anyone, as they said the cartoon is 'only for kids'. jeno's smile got wider as the one who he's talking about with is jaemin.

the perfect na jaemin.

"panda reminds me of you, quiet but clumsy." jeno frowns. "are you saying that i look like a bear now?" "yeah, a cute bear." jeno manages to get rid of the blush on his face before replying, "i know i'm cute but you ever see nomnom? he's such a brat but he's very cute! just like you."

"oh now you're comparing me to a koala?" "yep! he's clingy too, aren't you very clingy with your friends?" came to think of it, jeno isn't wrong at all.

jaemin is clingy. he is very open to skinships, from laying on your shoulder, hugging to pecking cheeks. but pecking and kisses are very rare for jaemin to do. jeno doesn't know the reason.

"i- yeah you're right." "but you're never clingy to me though?" jaemin looks at jeno with a confusing face. someone is asking him to be clingy towards them?

that has never happened to jaemin in his 18 years of life.

"you.. you're fine with it?" "yeah, as long as it looks normal and not too coupley or shit like that." the smile on jaemin almost drop, does that means he doesn't like me back? "oh.. well. mine looks normal, or that's what i thought."

jeno chuckled - that is like music to the boy's ear - and closes his locker facing jaemin. "then it's fine with me." jaemin's enthusiastic smile are brightly shown and he pulls jeno into a bone crushing hug. of course, that brings a dark red blush across the older's cheeks.

so following mark's idea isn't that bad .

"let's go to class now!" jaemin jumps up and down after releasing the hug. he seems to be a tad bit too energetic, not that jeno cares about it. 

"what class are you having now?" "music. you?" jaemin watches the older pouts a bit. "oh, i have dance. well, see you tomorrow?" 

"alright." see you tomorrow, and until forever.


yEs the scenarios are finally over skskkss it takes so much time doing this eventhough i already prepared the ideas beforehand dfkjffwljflkw .

if you think there is some errors in this please correct me, eng isnt my first language and im a human, human makes mistakes too :) <3

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