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Keith's POV

I woke up to the sounds of sirens blazing... I heard yelling from outside, "GALRA ATTACK!!!"  They yelled, my eyes widened and I got up shaking Lance, "Lance we need to get in our armor now!" I yelled, Lance woke up frightened, "Come on!" I yelled, Lance nodded in fear and he got dressed in his paladin armor...

We ran to the lions... Black wasn't opening to me, "shoot...!" I yelled I ran to the Red lion and Lance look at me as it opened up, "What the..." I shook my head and ran in. Lance ran to the blue lion it opened up... Lance got it... Turned out Allura stayed behind... We flew up and Shiro yelled, "Form Voltron!" all of us couldn't help but smile being able to do this again... We formed and went straight into battle... I couldn't help but smile seeing Lance back with blue... He was so happy...

We fought a giant battlecruiser and then soon they brought in their own robot... Just like Voltron... We needed the Atlas... Right as I thought that Allura and the others came up in the Atlas, (Also yes I know I switched roles I just wanted happy Voltron children back together :3).

Soon the robot was destroyed but... A huge explosion blazed striking us out of the sky... Our lions disconnected and we fell from the sky... Not again... I thought... Not Again! Not this time! Even out of strength and energy I pulled my lion up... "Everyone listen you have to fight it! Don't let yourselves fall!!!" I yelled. Soon Shiro pulled, then Pidge, Then Hunk... But Lance didn't respond... The explosion hit his lion harder and damaged him... "I'm going after him!" I yelled jumping out of my lion my thrusters blazing out and I'd fly as quickly as possible... "Lance! please if you can hear me you need to get out of your lion!" I yelled, "Lance please!!" I yelled, Lance spoke quietly, "I-I...Can't... move..."  is all I heard... I got to his lion and tried to open the mouth, "Blue please let me in please...!" I yelled, "It... won't... It's... to damaged..." Lance started to cry, "I'm sorry Keith..." Lance cried, "No don't give up on me Lance!!!" I yelled using my bayard it turned to a sword and I smacked at the lion, "I'm sorry Blue..." I whispered...

There was an explosion...

I walked out of the fire with Lance in my arms I tried to keep in my tears... Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, and Allura ran over to us... I fell on my knees holding Lance close... "please... please don't die on me, Lance..." I cried...

Lance was taken to the hospital into the emergency room and into a closed-off room... I sat quietly in the waiting room crying for hours... Shiro and Pidge sat next to me comforting me... Hunk, Coran, and Allura asked for any information but they said nothing... "Please Lance... Please don't give up on me..." I mumbled quietly to myself over and over...

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