part four

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Today was the day Taeil would get to see Johnny again or as every one else in the God community called him 'that one Mortal that made Gelos cry'.

Taeil got up from his comfy bed, strolled over to his closet and started to pack his things that he need for the day. He kinda felt bad because he needed to take care of everyone and unstead he was only going to see one mortal and try to help him instead of others that also needed his help.

It just intrigued him. How the Mortal could withstand his power, his command. It drew him closer into the latters life. Even if he couldn't be with him everyday he got excited when Thursday came around. He couldn't help but smile when he thought about helping the poor soul.

He could also tell that the latter might not want any help. He was living his life peacefully in depression. Without the need of others. Friends or foes Taeil could tell that he didn't have any. Everyone deserves atleast one friend, or atleast an acquaintance but with Johnny. He locks himself up at the end of the day. Not talking to anyone he didn't need to talk to. The only people he were to talk to were the people at his job and that stayed minimal.

Taeil wondered how he had even gotten a job as a waiter considering as a normal waiter always had a smile on their face. And an enthusiast way of talking to the customers. Johnny on the other hand, had neither one. He was alittle rude to Taeil but that was only becauae Taeil was being rude to him. When Taeil dugged into his background at the Restaurant he found out that he is just rude to everyone. 'What is the point of even working in a place that you don't love working at?' Taeil once thought acouple of days ago as he cried into his pillow. The misery on his face everytime he talked to a customer broke Taeil's little heart. Everytime Johnny was in a bad mood the rest of the week. Taeil would get over emotional, and it led him to also be in a bad mood. The other God's didn't know what was up with their usually Happy and Cheery friend.

It threw the whole God race into confusion. But Taeil would only let Jaehyun into his room and comfort him. Maybe it was because he was just like him in some sort of way. Confused and Hopeful, Jaehyun would say. "It's going to be alright Gelos, I know it will" with a big happy smile on his face. Taeil loved seeing others smile, especially those close to him. It got him out of his moody mood quick and now here he was packing his things to go see that mortal he took all intrest in.

"I'll see you later Komo have a good day!" He yelled to the latter and soon teleported to the Mortal race's home.

He had checked earlier if the Mortal had work that day but it was indeed a tight and unusually schedule. So Taeil had no idea. Even if he had work last week on that certain day he didn't know if he had it that day. He could only wish he did.

"Hi, can I speak with Seo Youngho?" Taeil asked the person standing infront of the reservation board. He looked directly into her eyes. Making sure he flicked an aspect of power into her.

She smiled and shook her head "Im sorry sir he is not here today. But I can give you his address if you want" she moved her hands under the counter quickly to receive a piece of paper. Maybe he had put to much power into her. She handed him the paper and he left the restaurant on the hunt to fine the latters apartment. He knew what his apartment looked like but he did not know where it was. Or how to get there. Give him some slack he hasn't been on the planet for thousands of years. So he called one of the navigators in the God's race to come down and show him how to get to certain places.

"Hey Tyre" Tyre hushed the elder by putting his finger on his mouth. "Don't call me that here someone might become suspicious. So I have made myself a mortal name" Taeil rolled his eyes "Yes yes Sicheng your highness" Sicheng hissed at him.

"Let's just get this over with so I can go back to sleep" Sicheng tapped Taeil shoulder and started to lead him towards the address Taeil gave to him.

"More like so you can go snuggle with Hypnos" Sicheng rolled his eyes. "Me and Yuta are not like that so you need to stop saying that" Sicheng huffed and speed up his walking. "Yeah what ever you say your highness"

"Its coming up so if you dont want me to throw you there I would keep my mouth shut"

"Throw me there it beats walking" Sicheng just grumbled and picked Taeil up by his waist. Spinned around acouple of times and threw the older boy towards Johnny's abode.

"Thanks Tyre love you!" Taeil screamed through the air. Hopefully no mortal could see him right now because some would surely freak out.

He landed on a door step and walked inside the apartment buliding. He then looked at the address he was still caring into his hands and started to look for the right door.

"Ah right here" he mumbled and knocked onto the door.

The door opened after acouple of seconds. The person that opened it had a blanket wrapped around himself. 'He looks so fluffy' Taeil thought. "Hi I'm your new neighbor just moved in there" Taeil pointed at a random door. He needs to remind himself to make a dimension portal right there so it could be easier for him to get here and there.

"Ok but why are you here?" Johnny asked, Taeil could tell the latter was tense. "No reason just wanted to say hi to my new neighbor"

"Hold on aren't you that guy who forgot to pay his tab?" Johnny yelled and almost stubbed his toe when he tried leaning over to Taeil to get a better look.

"I did pay my tab infact and yes i am" Johnny rolled his eyes and with a swift move he closed the door right in Taeil's face. Taeil deadpanned for a second. Should he just break into the mortals house and tickle him to death or just stand there knocking the whole day. He decided on both.

He knocked on the door again. It didn't open, no one replied. He knocked again. Same thing happened. "Last time" Taeil mumbled under his breath as he knocked on the door again. This time the door flew open and Johnny stood there looking at him. Anger deep in his eyes. Taeil smiled and snapped his fingers moving the mortal out of his way.

'Hmm so some powers work on him' but when Taeil looked at him he looked unfazed. So Taeil snapped his fingers again but this time Johnny didn't move. 'So they don't work and he just moved to the side for me? How generous'

"Look man I dont have all day what do you want?" Taeil chuckled because he knew for sure Johnny did not have anything to do the rest of the day.

"Can we maybe hangout I know no one else since I just moved here?"

"No, now please leave" Johnny pointed to the door. Taeil pouted and started to walked towards the door.

Johnny saw the pout and he instantly agreed "fine but only one movie" the taller male mumbled and Taeil almost started to jump for joy. "Thank you Johnny you wont regret it" Johnny thought for a second but then remembered that the last time he met Taeil had said his name 'good memory' he thought.

A smile almost tugged onto his lips before he got back into roll and led the latter towards his living room. He still had a blanket wrapped aroumd him and he didn't care.

"What movie are we watching" Taeil asked him as he sat down on the comfy couch. "I dont know what ever you want to watch I guess" Taeil smiled and leaned over to the remote to find a movie he wanted to watch. Taeil had no clue what mortals watched these days so he just put it on a random movie.


I said in the last Chap that they would be small chaps but I guess I lied because this one is a little long. Well longer than most of my Chapters.

Hope you enjoyed


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