part seven

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Johnny sighed as he left his apartment and locked it. He glanced at his neighbors door before continuedly walking towards the elevators leading him to the main lobby. After that 'theif' left that night/morning he has been feeling more empty than normal. Don't get him wrong, he always feels empty but when he woke up that day without the warmth of the other his glue on frown got deeper.

Even the events in his adolescence couldn't bring this much emptiness to his soul. "Ugh" he grumbled ruffling his unstyled hair. He did not feel lile going to work today and talking to those stuck up snobs. Why did his stupid mother have to get him a job there he could find himself a job on his own. He didn't need help especially from a person that wasn't even his real family. She didn't care for him at all she just wanted him out of her hair. Then why adopt him he asked her one day. She gave him a grimacing smile and patted his head. "If your parents aren't here anymore for me to torture your the next in line arent you" she said before smacking him in the face. "Now get away from me you pesky insect" she yelled before smacking him across the face again. Johnny shivered at the thought of those memories. He couldn't trust anyone. Not his parents, not that woman, not that 'theif'.

He sighed to himself again when he entered the restaurant. "Hey Johnny, how was your weekend?" A woman behind the counter greeted him. He rolled his eyes at her and made his way towards the back room. It was too early on a Monday for this shit.

After making it to his personal locker. More of his work associates entered the locker room and greeted him. Which he grumbled and took his stuff out his locker. They were more than used to not getting a reply from him. You would think they didn't care but really they were mocking him. If he didn't greet them. They would talk about him behind his back, laughing and taunting him. Like they were elementary students happy that they found their next target.

Johnny paid no mind to them. 'Talk all you want. Your still not going to get the reaction you want from me' he said to himself putting his vest on over his stripped dress shirt. "Johnny nice shirt" a lady in blue mocked him as the people around her laughed. He rolled his eyes at her, he closed and locked the locker before heading out to unstack the tables. He was a waiter but the people that owned the restaurant didn't care and always made him unstack and stack the chair at night and in the morning.

"Johnny your shoes untied" now a male coworker said. Ugh he was getting tired of it. 'Don't they get tired of being childish' he grumbled shaking his head, putting the chairs underneath the table. After he was done he went back to the locker room and through the back door leading outside. It was about time for his daily cigarette break. Sure he knew it was bad for you but with those annoying coworkers, snobby rich customers, And his heart aching everytime he thought back to last Thursday he needed one.

"You know smoking is bad for you right?" A quiet voice spoke from beside him. He whipped his head to the side to see a boy half the size of him, his clothes tathered and dirty, the boy's face had many scrathes on it and Johnny looked down to see that the boy had a hole in his sneaker shoe but nonetheless the boy smiled his big smile at Johnny. Johnny shrugged his shoulders and took another puff from the cancer stick. "Hi my name is Jaemin, yours?" The boy asked sticking out his hand. Johnny looked at the hand then back at the boy. He pointed to his name tagg on his chest and blew out a pit of smoke.

"Oh, nice name you got there" Jaemin chuckled. "What is it kid?" Johnny huffed out another pit of smoke mid sentence. Jaemin's smile fell and his eyes wavered "sorry for bothering you" Jaemin whispered bowing down to Johnny in respect then turning on his heels. "I didn't say you had to leave I'm just asking what it is you want" the boy turned around and smiled again. "Just a little bored" Jaemin said kicking a pepple. "I can't go back to the alley untill mom is done with her hookup" Jaemin grimaced. Sure he loved his mom but he would rather be an orphan than sleep in a alley every night and get beat by his mom in the morning telling him to get out because a man was coming over. Like where to? We stay in a alley for god sake.

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