Chapter 4

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"Oh Sky, you are here" Bobby said running to you

"Yes I have to practice. Hello everybody nice to see you again" you say

"Hello, nice to see you again" Jinhwan said

"I'm sorry but I have to ask, why are calling Bobby 'oppa' " a curious Junhoe asks

"Because I told her to" Bobby answer

"Ah hyung, why you always doing that? People would think that you have bad intentions or assume that you have some kind of relationship with the person. Like a player. Look how shock Hanbin is" Chanwoo said

"I just wanted her to feel comfortable around me, is that a bad thing?" Bobby asks the boys

"No, I think it's okay. She should call all of us oppa, except Chanwoo since he is younger than her" Yunhyeong said looking all excited to be call oppa

"No!!! Only me" Bobby said

You were laughing so hard because the boys start arguing about who you can call oppa or not. Except for Hanbin who could not take his eyes off you, looking a little flustered. Then all of a sudden Bobby put his arm around your shoulder

"Guys, there is only one way we can fix this, let her decide who she want to call oppa" he said

"Ah! Hyung this is so childish and we are so not advantageous in that situation" Junhoe said

"But I want her to feel comfortable with me too" Yunhyeong said

Hanbin who couldn't stand seeing Bobby's arm around your shoulder anymore , gently pull you away from him and makes you sit on the floor and say:

"Which one of us you want to call oppa?"

"But I don'tknow all of you that much, I don't want to hurt anyone feelings" you answer

"It's okay, we are okay with it" Yunhyeong said

"Hmmm, since I spend more time with Bobby oppa..." you start

"Yes!! I told you guys you didn't have a chance" Bobby said all happy and dancing around

"I am not done oppa, please sit down"

Bobby looks at you a little surprise but sit back down

"Like I was saying, since I know Bobby oppa a little more, I feel comfortable to call him like that. But I don't want nobody to else's feeling bad or anything so I will stop calling Bobby "oppa" till I feel comfortable with all of you"

"Yes I think it's a good idea" Hanbin said feeling happy that you will stop calling Bobby like that

"No I don't like it, you can't stop calling me oppa because of them. Remember we spend time dancing together and laughing, you can't" Bobby said

"Wait, you both dnace together? Did you spend a lot of time together?" Hanbin asks

"No, we didn't spend that much time together, we see each other for dance practive because he is helping me with my choreography" you answer to make everything clear and so that nobody get the wrong idea

"Wow, you both spend a lot of time together" Donghyuk that was quiet till now said

"I keep telling you guys but you don't believe me" Bobby replied

"Anyways, we should get going, she has to practice and us too" a mad Hanbin said

You were feeling so uncomfortable because you notice that Hanbin doesn't like the fact that you and Bobby are close but you didn't get why he was mad. Everybody was saying goodbye to you except Hanbin who had already left the room. After everyone left, you start to practive again for 2 more hours. You look at your watch and notice that it was really late and curese yourself for staying out that late. You start picking up your stuff to head to the bathroom for a quick shower. You were heading out of the building to go back to your house when someone pull you and push you against the wall with their hands on each side of the wall to block you from escaping. You were about to scream when you realize who it was.

"You scared me to death Hanbin, You should have announce yourself or something. I almost got a heart attack"

He keep looking at you, not talking for a couple of minutes and you start blushing because he was so close to you and you couldn't take your eyes off his beautiful pink lips

"Can you stop staring at me like that and give me some space, please" you said

"I told you that there will be consequences if you don't answer my texts or calls" Hanbin said

"I told you I was busy, you don't expect me to have my phone 24/7!?"

"No, but you seems to have a lot of free time to hang out with Bobby" he replied

"I told you guys, we didn'ty spend that much time together. Actually we just saw each other once before today"

"It doesn't look like that to me since you already calling him oppa and all" he said

Are you by any chance jealous?" you said smiling a little

He put his hands down and say:

"No I'm not, I was just curious. Anyways, I was waiting for you to bring you back to your house, it's too late for a girl to walk by herself that late at night"

"It's okay, I can defend myself, you don't have to do this" you replied

"Why are you so stubborn? Just come and I'll drop you off"

"I don't want you to get in trouble with your manager, I will be okay" you said

"My manager already know, let's go" he said taking your wrist so you don't try to find other excuses

He pull you outside to his car and open the door, wait for you to get in and fasten your sit belt. He also got in do the same, start the engine and drove off

"Where do you live?"

"Ju...Just turn right at the light and g...go straight" You stutter still shock about what just happen

He drive in silence, you keep glancing at him not knowing what to say

"I know I'm handsome but you should stop glancing at me. Where do I go now?"

"It's the building right there" you said pointing at your building

He park s in front but didn't unlock the doors

"Thank you for dropping me off, I'm sorry for bothering you, have a great night and thank you again" you said ready to go out but when you try to open the door it's lock

"Did you think me dropping you off was for free? You owe me and I'll thin about what I want you to do and get back you with my wish. You will hace no choice to grant it. Goodnight" he said and unlock the door

You were once again in shock but you got out of the car and head toward your building without even looking back and go to your appartment.

"What a night!! I'm so tired that I can't even think straight"

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