Chapter 12

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Practice today was calm and normal. Bobby was oddly quiet but you did not ask him what was going on. Because you taught that if he want to talk about it he will come see you and let you know. After saying bye to Bobby, you want to your apartment and decide to start packing your bag for that trip. You were going through some stuff and saw a picture of your brother, he was sitting with you in front of a beautiful black piano and you were both smiling wildly. You remembered that day ans also remembered what he told you.

It was holiday tinr and you were at Junhoes house, since your brother had an event to attend and will probably not be there for Christmas. You were helping Junhoe's mom in the kitchen while Junie and his dad were watching TV. You were a bit sad since it was Christmas eve and you wanted to spend it with your brother. After finishing helping Junhoe's mom, you went to the living room and sit in front of the piano and start playing with the keyboard, remembering one of the song that your brother taught you. You got into playing the piano so much that you didn't hear when someone rang the bell and that Junhoe's father went and open the door. You lift your head and stop playing only when you recognize the voice:

"I always loved that song"

"Oppa it's you? I thought you had an event today!?" you said jumping in his arms

"Yes I did but I didn't want my little sister to spend Christmas without me" he responded and sat on the chair in front of the piano

"Oppa can you play that song for me please"

"Of course, anything you want" he said with a smile and he start playing with you sitting next to him. When he finish the song you were both smiling and that's when Junhoe's mom took a picture of you

Later that night, when you and your brother were at your house and he was tucking you on your bed he told you:

"I want you to promise me something"

"Yes Oppa, what is it?"

"I want you to promise me that no matter what happen in the future, I want you to do something that you like, not something that people want you to do"

"What do you mean by that?" you ask

"I mean that if you want to dance, no matter what other people say, you should keep dancing. Just dance if it's what you want to do. Do you understand!?" he answered

"yes I understand, I promise. I will only do what I want to do"

He smile and say:

"That's my little sister. That's  nmy wish for Christmas. Now you only need to keep your promise"

After that he gave you a kiss on your forehead and you went to sleep


Your were sitting on your bed with the picture still in your hands

"I'm still keeping our promise Oppa"

Then you close your light and went to bed


It's a short chapter but there is more to come

I am also currently working on 3 other story so I've been a little busy

See you in the next chapter

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