Chapter 9

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~At the meeting~

The CEO of the  company appears and everyone gets up of their sit to greet him. After that he waits for everybody to get back to their sit , he get straight to the point of why he call a meeting

"I call this meeting today because we all have been busy these couple months and it's not the end of that busy period. Each of you  have been busy with comebacks, shows, runaways,movies and more. Therefore, I want to give you a round of applause and let you know what is next"

He was looking at everyone to see their reaction. When he saw the confuse and nervous look on their faces, he continues by explaining to each artist or group what was their schedule and what he want them to focus on. Then he let them all know that the meeting is done. Before IKON or you step out the room, the CEO call your name and the boys

"You are going on vacation for a couple of weeks. There will be no camera so don't worry it will be real vacation. I still have to make your manager and other security people to be with you but yes it is a vacation. I have a project for you guys and I need to know how you boys and girls are with each other and take a decision"

 He pause again and wait for some reaction. Chanwoo was the first to raise his hand and ask:

"I am sure we are all happy about the news, but sir, where  are we going on vacation?"

"Ah Chanwoo, good question. But I will not answer it since it is a surprise, but I am sure you will like it. I will leave it to you to start preparing to go over there. I want you guys to take this vacation time to get to know each other and create new bound"

And the CEO star walking toward the door, turn and say:

" Ah! Yes, I almost forgot. Each of your manager has been given an amount of money for you to buy necessities for the trip. Use it well"

And he left , leaving you surprise and confuse and the boys excited to go on vacation.

You still didn't get what that vacation was about, but you were really happy to leave for a while . Once you get to your apartment, you realize that the director did not tell any of you when you are leaving exactly and also when you have your dance competition coming up in a week. Since  in the meeting he said that the managers have more details about the trip, you gave your manager a call:

"Hey! Oppa, sorry to bother you , but I know you are aware we will go on a trip . Do you know when is it? Because I have my  competition and I can't miss it"

"Yah! Sky, Who do you take me for ? I'm not your manager for nothing. We arrange everything to be set after your competition"

"Really ! Thank you very much"

"No worries, I clear your schedule for you to get time to practice and crush all of them at the competition"

"Oh Oppa ! You know you are the best. Thank you."

"Yes, no problem. Know that we will leave right after the results"

"Okay. So that mean we are leaving in 1 week!?"

"Yes. Now get some rest and put on your alarm to go to practice tomorrow. I'll be cheering for you"

"Yes. Goodnight"

After hanging up the phone, you text Bobby to let him know about practice and see if his schedule was cleared as well.

"Hey Bobby Oppa, how are you?"

After a couple of minutes, you got a reply back:

"Hey, not much. Me and the boys are wondering what we should bring to the trip. Did you start packing yet?"

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