Chapter 14

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"I'm home" Junhoe said 


"Hyung! We invited Noona over for pajama party , because her competition is tomorrow and she need to relax" Chanwoo told him 

"That's a good idea, that will relieve some stress of her shoulders" Junhoe answer him back 

"Yeah, now go change and come join us" Jinhwan told him

"Yes, make it fast . We are about to go watch a movie and after play some games" Bobby told Junhoe


"You guys should start without me, I'm going to take a shower. I'll join you after" he said and leave the room

You got up and followed him, telling the boys that you'll be back. You have something to tell Junhoe. You went into Junhoe's room when he was about to take his shirt off

"Oh sorry, I didn't think you were really serious about the "I'm going to take a shower". I taught you were trying ti not be in the same room as me" you told him

"Well it was one of the reason, but I can see that I can't fool you huh? You know me to well" He answer not even surprise that she was in his room

"Well we know each other for a long time, so of course I can see through your bullsh**" you told him smiling

"I guess you are right. So what do you want Sky?"

"I want us to be like we were, friends, I don't like the awkwardness between us. You know I never wanted to hurt you, but I can't lie to you either. You are my bestfriend, my childhood friend and a brother to me. I don't want to loose you over a stupid thing" you told him

"I understand, but you know it's still hard to be around you after telling you my feelings and get rejected. I will still be there for you don't worry. I think I also know why you reject me, you like Hanbin, I saw the way you look at him, you can't fool me either. It's alright, I prefer having you in my life as a friend then not having you at all" he told you  

"Well I do have a thing for him, I'm not going to hide it from you but that is only me. He doesn't feel the same way"

"How can you tell? I think he likes you too" Junhoe told you

"Yeah, well he have a weird way to show it"

"It's Hanbin,  That's how he is but don't worry he will tell you when he is ready"

"Okay whatever. Enough with that conversation, I would hug you but you definitely need a shower. So make it quick and come join us" You told him and get out of his room

You went and join the rest if the boys in the living room. They place pillow all over the place to make it more cozy for the movie

"Hey, I saved you a place" said Yunhyeong taping a sit next to him 

"Do we start the movie now or do we still wait for Junhoe and Hanbin?" Donghyuk said 

 By hearing his name, your heart start to beat really fast. You were a bit scared that someone might hear it because you can heart it loud and clear yourself. After some long deep breaths, you try to concentrate on conversation that was happening around you

"He told me that he is not to far, I say let's wait anyway, it will give Junhoe time to finish up and join us" said Bobby who was sitting on the floor next to your feet, resting his head between you and Yunhyeong. 

They All decide to wait for Hanbin and Junhoe. They were playing some "Rock, paper, scissors" game, when the door open with a panting Hanbin saying:

"I'm home! Yah!! You make me run over here in a rush. Ihope this movie is worth it"

He was talking while making his way to the living room that he didn't notice you yet . He was about to get comfortable, taking his shirt off and his jeans when Chanwoo told him:

"Hyung, if I were you I will keep my pants on, we have company"

That's when Hanbin actually look to see who was sitting in the living roo and saw you. He blushed really hard, say hi to you and turn to bobby, pick a pillow and throw it at him

"Why didn't you tell  me we have guest?"

"Because, you didn't ask"Bobby answered

"There was almost a huge accident that was about to happen if Chanwoo didn't warn me"

"It would of been funny, but I don't think it would of been a big deal. You have shorts on, don't you?"

"That's not the point Bobby, she's a girl, she's not supposed to see any of us naked or half naked for that matter" Hanbin told Bobby

He was starting to get pissed at Bobby because of this little misuderstanding. You didn't want stuff to get out of hands, therefore you lookat Hanbin and say: 

"Oppa,it's okay because I didn't see anything and all this is a misunderstanding. Now we are about to watch a movie and we've been waiting for you and Junhoe for a long time now. So comw sit down and let's enjoy the sleep over"

Hanbin was froze in place, he still can't believe that she call her "Oppa". He snap out of the surprise mode when Junhoe enter the living room with atowel around his neck and ask:

"What did I missed?"

"Hanbin almost got naked in front of Sky" Yunghyeongsaid

"And Sky just call him "Oppa", now I trhink he  is in shock" Jinhwan add

"And since everyone is here, we will finally be able to start the movie" Donghyuk finish

"Wow!!... What are we watching?" Junhoe ask

"We are watching a scary movie, "Chucky Return", someone told me that it was really scary, I can't wait" Chanwoo said 

"Hanbin, are are you still going to stand there or you going to sit with us?" Jinhwan ask him

Junhoe and Hanbin were making their way to where everyone else were sitting. There was 2 sits left, one beside yoou and you were wishing that Junhoe occupied that sit and one at the bottom next to Bobby. You were making eye contact with Junhoe so he can take the sit next to you, but the boy was smiling like he was about to do something that would either makes you awkward and embarassed or either makes you mad. When he got closer to the sits, he looks at you, smile and give you a wink then sit next to Bobby which leave the other available sit next to you and the only person left: Hanbin

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