Chapter 10

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You woke up early in the morning , even before your alarm and take a breakfast feeling in a good mood. Because you can practice today till you feel like it. You went and take your shower and prepare a bag with change clothes, water, energy bars and your camera so you can film the dance and send it to your team for them to practice. Then you went for a jog to clear your mind and start the day. After the jog, you again take another shower , a quick one this time and head to YG building. Start to practice by yourself the dance till Bobby came in

"As always, you are dedicated to your dance and forgot there is a world out there"

"Oppa, you're her! Sorry I woke up early today and start practice first. I am glad you are here" you said with a big smile on your face 

"Someone is in a good mood today"

"Yes I am, I can finally put all my energy for the dance and the competition coming"

"Good I am happy to see that. Should we start?"

"Yes, let's do this"

You and Bobby practice for hours. Take a couple of breaks to refill and get back at it. It was afternoon when you both decided that was enough practice for today. You both were sitting on the floor laughing about some story that Bobby just told you, then Bobby stop laughing and say:

"Do you want to eat dinner with me? I owe you a dinner, we can just stay here and order"

You look at him a little surprised by the conversation switch

"Yes, I guess we can do that"

"Perfect, and we can still talk. you can explain to me where your passion for dancing come from"

"Ah! Yes we can talk about that and you can tell me your passion also"

"Cool. What do you want to eat?"

After telling him what you wanted to eat, he went to order the food and you let him know that you were going to take a shower and get back here. He said he will do the same and meet you back up here.

You both were sitting on the floor again after your shower, with your food in front of you, ready to it. Bobby said:

"So! how your passion for dance start?"

"My mom used to be a dance teacher and she used to bring me to her class. At first I was just sitting and watch her dance and teach. Then one day, she ask me if I wanted to try and I try and I was good a t it at least that's what she told me. Since then I follow her to her dance class and was participating in the lesson. It makes me happy and my mom seems to enjoy dancing more when she turns around seeing me following her moves. Since then I enjoy dance because it makes me feel good and made my mom happier" you said with a sad smile

"Wow, that's wonderful, she must be proud of you right now. Will she be there to see you at the competition?" Bobby asks

"Well, I am sure she will be there" you said pointing at your heart. "But my mom is no longer in this world"

"Oh no, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or bring up a difficult memory" Bobby said with a sad smile

"It's okay, when I dance, I get closer to her. It's not that painful anymore"

"Yeah, I totally understand. I feel the same way when I rap"

"Oh, so your big passion is rapping?"

"Yes, it makes me get closer to people I miss and I rap things that people can relate to , not just non sense you know. I want my rap to touch people's heart"

"Totally understand" You said smiling to him

After that you guys change subject and talk about how crazy the boys act sometimes. Bobby makes you laugh so much and you were glad to have a friend like him in your life.  After eating and laughing, you both call it a day and say bye to each other

"See you tomorrow and if you are coming early tomorrow just text me and let me know" Bobby said

"I will Oppa, have a nice day"

"Thank you, you too"

Then you head to your apartment feeling exhausted after that long day and take a nap. A really really long nap. 

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