Chapter 17- You Don't Understand

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Eren's POV

I clutched onto Levi's arm behind him cowering in fear of my Dad, he always starts off calm then he can snap at any point.

''You think I'd actually listen to you.'' My Mum stepped forward.

''Levi let me handle this. Look Grisha I said Levi could stay here.''

''You don't know what he's said to me. The reason Eren went out today was because Levi 'doesn't trust me'.'' Carla sighed.

''Grisha with everything you've done in the past I think Levi has a valid reason.'' Grisha looked pissed.

''I have told you those days are over!'' I flinched at him raising his voice. Levi grabbed my hand.

''Don't shout you're scaring Eren Grisha.''

''I don't care if I'm scaring him! You don't understand I'm trying to be a good person but my bastard of a son keeps making it worse!'' Levi growled at him. I have had enough. I walked in front of my Mum.

''You want be a good person I get it... but YOU don't understand that you can't just expect to waltz back into our house and expect 'respect'. You don't deserve anything we are giving you at the moment! You can say you are trying to take back what you did, but you can never take back the memories of my own Father raising a bat to me and almost beating me to death! You can never take back the mental scars we have you bastard! I can't even call you my Father without felt sick! I hate you with every fibre of my being! Don't even think about hurting me, Mum or my Alpha otherwise I will kill you!'' I was screaming towards the end. The whole room was silent and I dropped to the floor balling my eyes out and Levi ran to comfort me. I had being crying so much that I felt my body losing control. Then black.

I woke up to see Levi sitting on the bed next to me holding my hand. He smiled when he saw my eyes open.

''Hey Love. How are you feeling?'' I tried to sit up but immediately felt sick.

''Love don't try and sit up just yet.''

''W-What happened?''

''You were shouting at Grisha then you feel to the ground and then fainted.'' I looked up at the ceiling.

''Is my Mum okay?'' He chuckled.

''You have such a pure heart. You fainted and you still ask about others first. Your Mum is fine. I think she more in shock of you fainting.''

''Are you okay?''

''Hmm me?''

''Yeah you.''

''I guess. I don't know I'm better now you're awake and safe. I am still angry at Grisha.''

''What happened after I fainted?''

''I took you here and Carla and Grisha followed. I saw to you then Carla and Grisha started arguing. It ended in Carla slapping him and blaming him for you fainting and then she told him to leave.''

''Damn... Where is she?''

''Sleeping. She was stressing over you so I told her I would look after you and that she should get some sleep, so she did.''

''Thank you Levi.'' He kissed my forehead.

''Anything for you Baby.''

We sat in silence for a bit.

''Eren do you know why you fainted?''

''Um I don't know.''

''What did you eat today?'' I got nervous and Levi noticed.

''Don't worry I won't be angry.'' He gave me a sincere smile.

''Well you know I had some breakfast. I didn't have lunch because I was at the park and obviously I haven't had dinner.''

''So you have been running on a bit on cereal the whole day?'' I looked away from Levi ashamed that I had let him down.

''I'm sorry... I don't mean to skip them I just forget because my body is used to not eating much.'' He caressed my cheek.

''I know Honey. Do you think you could eat a little something now?'' I nodded and he left to get me food. I sat up slowly and looked out of the window and saw birds flying outside. I would love to be a bird. They can fly where ever they want and their only limit is the sky. Levi walked in snapping me out of my thoughts.

''Oh you're sitting up. I got you some crisps and water. Is that okay?'' I nodded he sat back on the bed and handed me the crisps. I was actually pretty hungry and to both mine and Levi's surprise I ate the whole packet and all my water. Levi congratulated me and gave me kisses all over. He made me smile so much I truly love him.


''Hm? Yes?''

''I love you.'' I sighed happily and rested my forehead on his closing my eyes.

''I love you too.'' I snuggled up into his chest and slowly fell asleep without realising.

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