Chapter 25- What Is This Plan Then?

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Eren's POV

Levi backed off of me with tears in his eyes. I felt a pang in my heart. I saw my Mother and a doctor coming in as well. The doctor smiled at me. Levi hugged my Mother and she sobbed into his shoulder. Mary had Jaden on her lap and Taylor was holding his hand. They were all looking at me.

''Morning Eren. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...'' I looked at everyone.

''Why are you all crying?'' They gave me sad looks.

''Eren you have Lung Cancer.'' My eyes widened as my whole world flipped upside down. Everyone started crying even Levi.

''We are sorry. It is untreatable.''

''W-What?'' I broke down crying. Levi walked over to me and hugged me. I pushed him off he was shocked and so was everyone else.


''No! Don't Eren me you bastard!'' I could see the hurt in Levi's eyes.

''Dad please calm down.''

''I'm sorry Jaden...''

''Eren please just hear me out.''

''Why should I?'' I hissed at him.

''Eren listen to him.'' My Mum gave me a sincere smile.

''What is there to listen to?! Are you gonna tell me who you are cheating on me with? The real reason why you come home so late? Or why you always cancel our dates? Why you push me away?'' Levi looked sad. Tear rolled down his face.

''Eren I would never cheat on you!'' I scoffed.

''Stop lying! Tell me the truth.'' He grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at him.

''You want to truth! Fine I'll tell you the truth! I have been going to Hanji's house because she is still trying to get over Petra and Oluo's deaths. I have been cancelling our dates because I have appointments with people for a thing I'm planning. Hanji has been helping plan this as well. I have been pushing you away because all the planning has tired me out... I don't mean to push you away. My anti-social self has been coming back because of Petra and Oluo's deaths. I never wanted to do this to you! I love you so much. You're my Mate. Eren you know I would never cheat on you right?'' My eyes widened and I shook my head.

''So what the hell is this thing that you're planning?! What is so important that you have do all of this?'' He sighed nervously. He reached into his pocket. He took a deep breath and looked up at me.

''The thing I have been planning is this...'' He brought out a small box and got on one knee. I put my hand over my mouth. He opened to box and I saw a beautiful ring.

 He opened to box and I saw a beautiful ring

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''Eren Yeager. Ever since I met I knew I had to protect to. As soon as we touched hands I knew you were my Mate. We have had our ups and downs but we go through it together. I have never felt so happy in my whole life. You make my world a brighter place. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You have reminded me of what it feels like to be loved and what it is like to love someone so much. If I never met you my life would have never been complete. I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm sorry for everything I have done. I was and still am an idiot. I love you so much and all I ask of you is to love me back and... Make me the happiest man alive and marry me?''

The tears wouldn't stop. I jumped out of bed, not caring that I ripped out all of the wires connected to me. I cried into his shoulder.

''Yes! Of course I will marry you Levi!'' He hugged me tightly. He kissed me and then took my hand. He slid on the ring on top of our promise ring and then kissed my hand. I smiled at him then kissed him passionately. Everyone in the room clapped. We broke the kiss and the doctor came over.

''I'm sorry to break the moment, but Eren you need to be hooked back up.'' I nodded and laid back in bed. I stared at the ring as the doctor hooked me back up. My Mum sat on my bed.

''Um could I talk to Eren alone please?'' Everyone nodded at left, Levi kissing me before going. I turned to my Mum she had tears in her eyes. I hugged her tightly.

''C-Congratulations Sweetie.'' She gave me a sad smile.

''Thank you Mum. I wasn't expecting him to propose... Did you know?'' She wiped away her tears.

''Yes he came to me this morning a told me everything that happened, what he did, why he did what he did, your... cancer.'' She broke down again. I rubbed her back to calm her.

''Shhh Mum I'm okay. I don't feel any pain. I'm not dead.'' I smiled at her.

''Don't say that Eren...''

''I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm the only one to blame.'' My Mum gave me a questioning look.

''What do you mean? Your Father was the one who forced you to smoke?''

''I know but I developed a liking for them and went things got bad with the whole Levi thing I turned to them. I started to smoke very heavy and my body finally caved.''

''Aw Eren no... This is all still your Father's fault. He never made you smoke you would have never have developed a liking for them. Then you wouldn't have turned to them in hard situations.'' I laughed.

''I guess your right... Well there's no point in pointing the blame anymore. It's untreatable.''

''Honey none of us care if you have Cancer or not. You are still the little baby boy I gave birth to 18 years ago. I love you. Levi loves you. You have Cancer does not change our opinion or love for you.'' I smiled at her.

''Thank you Mum.'' There was a knock at the door and Levi walked in. He smiled at us.

''Can I come in?''

''Of course Son-In-Law.'' I chuckled.

''Thanks for your blessing Carla.''

''Like I was gonna say no to you.'' He laughed and sat in the chair next to my bed. He took my hand and kissed my ring.

''Bonjour mon fiancé.'' (Hello my Fiancé.)He smirked and I blushed. ''The doctor wanted to talk to you so he sent me in to tell you.'' I nodded. He walked to the door and told the doctor he could come in. They both walked in, Levi sat back down and held my hand and my Mum was still sitting on my bed.

''Right so I wanted to discuss some things with all of you.''


''Alright so we don't know the severity of your Cancer yet. We are doing tests at the moment and will have the results tomorrow. Until then I'm afraid Eren you have to stay here. Then depending on the results tomorrow we will decide whether you have to stay here, and if so how long you will, or if you can go. However if you can leave as I said earlier your Cancer is untreatable so you would have to come back here regularly for check-ups.'' I nodded and Levi squeezed my hand.

''Do you have any idea how bad the Cancer is?''

''I'm afraid not but I do know that as the Cancer is untreatable you will not... survive with it.'' My heart stopped. Levi's face dropped.

''W-What?'' Tear filled my eyes.

''No! No I don't what to die!'' I started to panic and Levi hugged me and rubbed my back.

''Shhhh Baby. You're going to be okay.'' I was shaking.

''B-But I'm not... I don't want to leave you.'' He let off a calming scent and stroked my hair. He climbed onto the bed and I snuggled into his chest, crying. He eventually got me to fall asleep, but right as I did I heard him start crying and him whispering to me.

''I don't want to lose you either.''

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