Chapter 20- Never Touch My Mate Again

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Levi's POV

I really didn't want to leave Eren. I have a bad feeling. I pulled up to the church and see Hanji crying and Erwin and Armin trying to calm her down. I walk over to them.

''Levi!'' Hanji launched herself at me and cried into my shoulder. I would normally pushed her off but I just hugged her back.

''Hanji we have to go inside.''

''W-Where's Eren?''

''He couldn't leave his Mum at home.''

''But what about his Dad? He's dangerous.'' I gave her a questioning look.

''How do you know?''

''Eren has been my student longer than he has been yours.''

''Ah that makes sense. Eren managed to convince me he'd be fine and he'd call me if anything happened.'' She nodded and we walked in sitting down.

''We are gathered here today to remember Petral Ral and Oluo Bozado. Who tragically died but they died together. They may not be here with us now but they will always be in our hearts.'' The service went on. Everyone was crying even Erwin shed a tear but I didn't. I was filled with worry. Something was wrong. The after service was happening right now and I was standing with my friends watching my friends coffins go into the ground. Hanji noticed the worry in my face.

''Levi? What's wrong?''

''Ever since I left Eren I've had a bad feeling. And I have been getting pains all over my body, like on my legs arms and torso.'' Hanji gave me a sad smile.

''Levi go to him. You have said goodbye I'm sure they would understand.'' I nodded and left. I got in my car and went into the glove compartment. I pulled out Kenny's old gun.

''Just in case.'' I muttered to myself. I drove to Eren's house.

Eren's POV

After Levi Left

WARNING: This part contains sensitive subjects such as Abuse and Rape.

''Ohhhh Eren~''

That sick voice I remember well. I close the door and search for my Mum. I walk into the living room and see my Dad standing over my Mum's unconscious body. My eyes widen as I saw a bat in my Dad's hand. My heart rate increased and I ran to my room.

''Eren~ Don't run from Daddy.'' He ran after me. I slammed the door and locked in and ran to hide under my bed, shaking violently. My Dad knocked on the door.

''Oh come on Eren you know a door isn't going to stop me.''

The door was kicked in and my Dad walked in.

''Oh little fag, oh little fag come out come out where ever you are~'' My Dad's feet stopped at the bed and his deranged face appeared.

''Found you!'' He dragged me out from under the bed. I was kicking and screaming at him with tears streaming down my face. I managed to kick his leg so he dropped to the floor I ran to my phone and tried to call Levi, but my Dad recovered faster than I thought and grabbed my leg pulling me down making me drop the phone.

''You little shit!'' He grabbed his bat off of the floor and raised it in the air above me. I struggled to get free but his grip was too tight.

''You have no idea how much I have been wanting to do this. I couldn't because of your stupid MATE!'' He brought the bat down on my leg. I screamed in agony as I felt my leg crack. He didn't stop he kept bring it down again and again, till I couldn't feel anything. Levi could probably feel all of this, it's my fault he is feeling this pain. My Dad finally eased up and threw the bat away. I was a bloody and bruised mess crying on the floor.

''You're a disgusting piece of shit! Why did I have to have an Omega for a son and a gay one at that. I hope you and your MATE rot in hell.'' He grabbed my hair and dragged me onto my bed tying me to the bed posts.

''You fucking Omega's smell so damn good~'' He crawled on top of me and sniffed my scent gland. My eyes widened. I started to squirm and scream until he shoved a cloth in my mouth.

''Quit whining will you! You're getting on my nerves.'' Tears were streaming down my face. He put his hand up my shirt caressing my side. I want Levi. I want my Alpha. Only my Alpha should touch me like this.

''Wevi...'' I tried to say my mates name but it didn't work. My Dad started to pull down my trousers and his. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to kick him. He let out a low growl and slapped me, leaving a red mark on my face. I looked down and saw he was hard and I started to cry more. Crying for anyone to come save me.

Levi's POV

I kept feeling pain all over then it suddenly stopped. I felt a light stinging on my wrists. My heart was screaming. Eren was crying... a lot. And he was calling out for me. I pulled up to his flat and ran to the door. I knocked rapidly. No answer. I looked through the window I saw nothing. I could smell Eren's distressed scent so my Alpha kicked in and I kicked open the door. I immediately saw Carla slumped over and ran to check her pulse. I felt a faint one and quickly called the police. I told them the address, all while I heard banging from upstairs.

I bolted upstairs and to Eren's room. The door was kicked in and I saw Grisha inside of Eren. I didn't have time to think before I grabbed Grisha pushing him onto the floor and took out my gun aiming it at his head. The look on his face was a picture. He was terrified.

''You fucking bastard! NEVER TOUCH MY MATE AGAIN!'' He tried to shuffle away but I shot him in the leg. He screamed in agony clutching his leg. I put my gun back in my pocket and turned to Eren. He was still tied to the bed with tears running down his face. I untied him and immediately embraced him, whispering sweet nothings to him and letting off a calming scent. He cried into my shoulder and I heard sirens outside. They startled Eren so I held him tighter.

''Shhh Baby it's okay... I've got you he won't hurt you anymore. I should have never gone today I'm so sorry. I love you so much.'' I began crying and he held my face wiping my tears away and shaking his head.

''N-No I m-made you g-go... I-It's my f-fault...''

''No it's not your fault it's that bastard! I can't believe he did... that to you. I'm so sorry Eren.''

''It's n-not your f-fault Levi.'' I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. He was scared at first but my scent reassured him that it was me and I wasn't going to hurt him.

''I-I love you m-my Alpha.'' I hugged him tightly.

''I love you too my Omega don't you ever forget that!'' Footsteps sounded downstairs and came up the stairs. Eren was shaking but I reassured him that it was the police. Grisha had passed out from blood loss. The police entered and saw all the commotion.

''Sirs what happened here?''

''That bastard raped MY mate.'' I let off a growl but Eren put his finger on my lips to stop me.

''Detain him.'' The police officer pointed to Grisha as they dragged him out.

''Who shot him them?''

''I did.'' The police officer looked like he was studying my face. His eyes widened.

''Y-Your Levi Ackerman... You're a murderer!'' Eren growled and stood up in front of the police officer, wincing slightly.

''My MATE is not a murderer! He was wrongly accused if you know his face then you should know that.'' He started to wobble a bit and I grabbed him.

''Honey don't stand up so soon.'' He nodded and cuddled into me. A paramedic came in and fixed Eren up. The Police asked Eren and I some questions. The police officer told us Grisha would have a trial and they would contact us with the details.

''Where's my Mum?!'' I shushed Eren.

''Don't worry Baby she's downstairs being seen to by a paramedic.'' He seemed to calm down again. I rubbed his back slowly sending him to sleep. Now I really wished I would have kill Grisha the moment I saw his disgusting face. He has cause so much pain to Eren. I kissed his head and held him tightly to my chest. This boy meant the world to me and I'm never going to let anything happen to him ever again.

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