Chapter 30- Together Again

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WARNING: There is suicide in this chapter!

Levi's POV

When I got home I went straight to my kitchen. I went into a drawer and grabbed the sharpest knife I had. I went up to mine and Eren's bedroom and then our connect bathroom and started to fill the bath. I went back into our room and got out my wedding suit and Eren's wedding dress. I changed into mine and took my white rose in my hand and went into the bathroom. The bath was full so I turned off the tap and got in. I put the knife on the side and held Eren's dress in my arms. I smelled his scent and cried into it.

''Eren I'll be with you soon.'' I grabbed the knife and took a deep breath. I pushed the knife along my wrist. I cried but not from the pain from the thought of finally being able to see Eren again. I threw the knife away and let the blood spill out of my wrist. I cuddled into Eren's dress, staining it red with my blood.

My vision slowly went black and I felt myself slip away.

I woke to a bright light. My eyes squinted and they eventually adjusted. Everything was white. I didn't know where I was.

''Hello Levi.'' My eyes widen. I recognised that voice and instantly turned around.

''E-Eren...'' He was wearing his wedding dress with massive white angel wings behind him. I ran to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. I looked him in the eyes and grabbed his face kissing him. He kissed back but eventually pulled away.

''Levi... I'm disappointed...'' I gave him a worried look as he looked down.

''W-Wh-'' He looked at me, tears in his eyes.

''Y-You why did you have to kill yourself?!'' I gave him a sad smiled and caressed his cheek.

''I just couldn't live without you Eren...'' He shook his head and tackled me to the ground.

''I had to watch you suffering. When I died I watched you trying to wake me up. I watched you sitting in our room. Not speaking, not smiling you were just crying. I wanted to comfort you but I couldn't. I watched you at my funereal and I heard you when I was being buried. And... A-And I had to watch you d-die.'' He cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back to soothe him.

''I'm sorry Baby. I just wanted to be with you.'' He looked up at and smiled brightly.

''I missed you Levi. I love you.''

''I love you too Eren. I finally have you back.'' I kissed him passionately. Until I felt a stinging in my back. I looked back and saw a beautiful pair of black angel wings.

''Our wedding theme.'' Eren chuckled and reached his hand out to feel them.

''They're beautiful Love.''

''So are yours Baby.'' Eren smiled but it suddenly dropped. I gave him a concerned look.

''What's wrong?'' He took my hand.

''Come with me.''

He flew down with me and we were suddenly in outside our house. Ambulances and Police were outside. I realised what was happening.

''Oh...'' Eren didn't say anything but he led me into the house and up to our bathroom. My body was on the floor and the bath with filled with water tinted red. Eren's wedding dress was stained red and laid next to my body. I watched as Hanji was cradling my body crying and Carla was crying into Mary's shoulder. Jaden was shaking my body trying to wake me up, Taylor was trying to pull him away from me.

I felt a pang in my heart. Eren squeezed my hand.

''So this is what you had to go through?'' I looked over to him and he nodded.

''I didn't want Jaden or Taylor to have to see this...''

''It was inevitable... When you left they didn't trust you, so they followed you home. They came in not long after you passed. Hanji was the first to find you. I was watching it then I felt you passing over and went to see you, that's why I didn't appear straight away.'' I looked down.

''Eren... I missed you.''

''I missed you to.'' I kissed him and the room around us faded and so were we.

''Eren! Why are you disappearing?'' Eren put his hand on my cheek and smiled.

''Don't worry Levi. Our souls are becoming one. We are moving on together. I was waiting for you so we could start our new lives. We will still be mates and the same people. But we will have completely different lives, with the same people. I will meet you again. I love you Levi.'' We smiled at each.

''I love you too Eren. See you in our next life.'' We kissed and slowly faded to nothing.


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